It is no secret that in this day in age, movie theaters are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Not only DVDs but Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and many other video streaming sites are taking the place of the cinema. There are so many reasons for this, one being that paying for your family to go to the movie theater is almost equivalent to paying for a nice dinner, especially when the overpriced snacks are involved. Another is that it can seem so much more enjoyable to watch a movie in the comfort of your own home, lay out on the couch in pajamas, and hit pause at any point.
It is difficult to even make the argument that one should go to the movies in order to experience the film when it first premieres, because now there are also websites for watching new movies on certain devices. While all of this is true, I personally very much enjoy a trip to the movies, and these are a few reasons why:
1. Lack of distraction.
When I watch movies at home i’m constantly finding other things to do. I'm talking to the people with me, pausing the movie to let out the dog, or attempting to be productive by cleaning or checking email. Sometimes I even will be on my phone texting when the storyline begins to slow down and miss the remainder of it. However at the movie theater, your only option is to watch and take in what is in front of you. It allows you to escape into a new world for a few hours and not think about outside stress.
2. The quality is obviously better.
There’s the obvious reason that the picture quality and sound in a movie theater is an extraordinary improvement from watching a movie at home. The characters on such a huge screen can almost seem life sized. There are also various alternative style theaters that make the movie more interesting and enjoyable, such as 3D, IMAX, and even Drive-Ins.
3. Experience.
Getting out of the house turns a simple movie into an experience. Whether you go alone, on a date, or with a group of friends you will remember things about the outing. Even if the movie was terrible, you can still fondly look back on how many nachos you ate, your friend who shared popcorn with you, and the person who laughed way too loud, You are more likely to have stories to share about a trip to the movies than one seen at home, and if you went with people you have memories and stories to talk about.
4. Community feel.
Even though the cinema is not a social place and you will probably never know the strangers in the theater with you, there is something to be said about sharing the experience with so many people. At the movies, you are a witness to people laughing, gasping, or even crying, and you become aware of the themes and characters that provoke others to display these feelings. At the most intense parts of the movie, nearly everyone watching will be undergoing the same emotions. Everyone sort of bonds without knowing it, and when you think about it that way it’s kind of a special thing.
Of course it’s an expense to go to the movies when you can easily just watch one at home, and even these reasons don’t make it worth breaking the bank. However, the movie going experience isn’t dead and I feel that we can all enjoy it as a treat, at least every once in awhile!