Now that everyone and their brother has seen the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens, theories out the whazoo are floating around the Internet! Some are kind of empty and not worth mentioning, but some are scary accurate. Like, what if...? Here are some of the theories surrounding the Light side of the Force!
1. Finn Calrissian
It's been rumored that Finn is actually the son of Lando Calrissian (previously a smuggler before joining the Rebel Alliance, and the first owner of the Millennium Falcon) after a jigsaw puzzle supposedly spilled the beans. Apparently, on each piece of the puzzle there is a brief character description, and under Finn's piece it distinctly describes the ex-stormtrooper as Lando's son. Billy Dee Williams' (the actor who played Lando Calrissian) himself hinted that he may make an appearance in the new trilogy, giving us more of a reason to believe the rumor to be true. J.J Abrams has repeatedly explained that character last names were not mentioned because of the spoilers it would ensue, but he also hinted that we would be hearing some rather familiar names.
2. Finn x Poe?
This theory is so far just a fan favorite ship. It has yet to be confirmed or denied, although some claim that John Boyega (Finn) is in favor of the pairing due to some out of context comments. Finn and Poe's interactions are a little too close for people who have just met, but is it romance or bromance? Guess we'll see!
3. Finn Solo???!!!!
Alright, before you totally blow this one off because of his skin color, know this: Marvel Comics' Star Wars series introduced Han Solo's estranged wife, Sana, who is, wait for it, a black woman.
1. Rey Skywalker
By now, you all should have heard (or even agree with) the most common theory that Rey is Luke's daughter. I mean, it's almost a definite or a little too obvious. How else would Rey be so powerful in the Force without any training? According to Force mythology, a Force connection that strong has to be inherited. Rey also has the ability to fly a ship without previous practice, giving the impression that flying is in her blood. Or how about the fact that is was Luke's lightsaber who called out to her in such a personal manner. There is also the fact that during Rey's Force vision (similar to Luke's experience in The Empire Strikes Back), Obi-Wan's voice tells her that "this is her first step" which parallels Obi-Wan saying the exact same thing to Luke during his training. Also, when Kylo Ren invades Rey's mind, he is able to see the island in which Luke is hiding. How would Rey know that?
There are plenty of other parallels between Luke and Rey, such as when calls the Millennium Falcon "garbage" just like Luke originally called it "a piece of junk." Or how about the fact that the characters have nearly the same backstory? Both were abandoned on a desert planet by parents they never knew; both found droids that held secret messages and were tied to the Rebellion/Resistance; and both learned that they had Jedi powers. It's even more thrilling when you notice that Luke's music themes play whenever Rey has "a moment."
The only possible way that this isn't the case, is that all of these tidbits are deliberately there to throw us off track of who Rey really is, which brings us to the next theory.
2. Rey Kenobi
Whaaaaaat? Jedi weren't allowed to have kids! Wrong. Jedi weren't allowed to have attachments and possessive relationships, nobody said they weren't allowed to have kids (hello, Luke and Leia?); Lucas says it himself! This is what I'm leaning towards as far as theories go. Rey being the granddaughter of Obi-Wan Kenobi would be both a logical explanation and a plot twist. It would add the much needed depth to the storyline. I mean what's more powerful than history repeating itself in the form of the original characters' grandchildren? That lightsaber battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin vs Rey and Kylo Ren? Come on!! With as much detail (pfft we didn't get any, let's be honest) as there is in Rey's story, this could be as much of an answer an any. Here are some quick reasons why people are considering this option :
a. Jedi mind tricks: Obi-Wan was a MASTER. It was basically his trademark as a Jedi, and it's not an easy thing to do! Apparently, Rey catches on to this trick pretty quick though. A little too quick if you ask me.
b. Accent: Where have I heard that accent before? Oh right, Obi-Wan Kenobi!
c. Outfits: Their outfits are INCREDIBLY similar as far as design, color, and accessories.
d.Hiding on a Death Star: Rey mirrored Obi-Wan's movements and placement when was deactivating the tractor beam.
For more comparisons watch this video, I mean it's got me convinced!
3. Rey Solo
Now, here's the thing about this one: in the novels, Han and Leia had twins- a boy and a girl. The boy ultimately betrays everyone and turns to the Dark Side. Sound familiar? The theory is that Kylo Ren (Ben) is the re-imagined son, and Rey is the twin sister. I guess it could make sense, but Han didn't seem to show ANY recognition when he met Rey for the first time. I mean if he could recognize Ben (who cannonly left when he was pretty young) all grown up after years of hiding behind a mask, you would think he would recognize his daughter as well. That's why I'm not 100% for this theory. It doesn't have as much support as the others.
4. Rey was a survivor of "the tragedy"
Think about this. What if that vision Rey had when she touched the lightsaber wasn't a vision at all. What if they were suppressed memories? The theory is that Rey was being trained by Luke when she was young, and was there when Kylo Ren attacked. Going more into depth, fans point out the similarities between the dress of "baby Rey" and the Jedi younglings in the prequels.
You're probably thinking: How did she survive if Kylo Ren takes no prisoners? Well, we know Kylo struggles between the Light and the Dark. What if he had a moment of weakness, and let Rey live? Of course nobody could know that he disobeyed orders, so he wipes her memory, gives her a new name, and dumps her on a desert planet where nobody could find her. This would also be an explanation as to why Kylo freaked out when he heard there was "a girl" from Jakku involved, and obsessed over getting to her. Nail biter, I know!
So what do you think? Agree, disagree? Have any theories of your own? Comment below! And be prepared because the Dark side is hitting the spotlight next week!