In case you haven't had a great summer so far, here are 13 ways to make sure that it is even better and that you are prepared for all summers from here on out!
I honestly don't think my summers would be as fun or memorable without these 13 things!
Sunscreen with the proper SPF
Keeping your skin protected is a must! Skin cancer is a serious issue. You can't mess around with the sun's harmful rays. You don't want to ruin your summer by not properly protecting your skin.
A perfect summer drink to keep in hand
Finding the perfect drink recipe is sometimes difficult. I have been really into Arizona green tea recently. I am always trying new things, but somehow I always find my way back to Arizona.
A perfect summer top
I am a t-shirt kinda gal, so sometimes finding cute, comfy summer clothing is hard. But looking cute makes a gal more confident! Especially during the hot summer days.
Good Food
Whether you are healthy or not, food is something our bodies need daily. I personally discover a lot of new foods over the summer because I have more time to find new restaurants to try.
New places to explore
I don't know about y'all but I get tired of looking at the same tree in my backyard. I am always exploring new places and for me its necessary for making the best memories during the summer!
Summer Accessories
I am a huge accessories girl. In the winter I am the one wearing a beanie. This summer I have found that I love bracelets. I love the mix of random colors on my wrists.
A good summer read
Reading is an important thing. I would say that I am also old-fashioned because I use the app Wattpad. I like reading a bunch of different stories for free! Reading is also a great way to pass those long, boring summer hours.
Comfy sandals for all summer activities and occasions
If you plan on visiting a theme park or exploring a big city this summer, remember to keep in mind that comfort is important! Sandals are a big thing for me during the summer months. I have been awful to my poor feet lately. I have been going for cute and not comfy. I visited a theme park and are home with a blister on my foot the size of my thumb!
A cute pair of sunglasses to take with you everywhere
I mentioned the sun before, but seriously guys, protection is a really important thing. Lucky for us, people make adorable sunglasses for super cheap! However, more expensive sunglasses have a higher quality. Either way, protect your eyes!
Most importantly, a swimsuit or two
Swimsuits are a necessity if you are planning on doing any swimming over the summer. I love all things water so I always buy new swimsuits every summer. I love purchasing from American Eagle, Target, and even online! They make so many adorable ones and they look super cute in pictures.