I will start this off plain and simple- I have no idea where I am going with this piece. Every writer, at one point in his or her career, tends to have a period of time in which writing seems impossible. As I am beginning this piece, impossible does not even seem to describe the level of difficulty I am facing trying to write a decent piece. In fact, I have found myself thinking a lot about the obscurity of life and the struggles that are sometimes faced. At a time like this, I can't help but to find the most random activities to add to the impossibility of writing an article. So here it is, a list of random things to do when any and all hope of writing an article is lost.
1. Build a card castle while hanging upside down on a couch.
2. Work on your reaction time with a ball and a nearby wall.
3. Rewrite your weekly list...again.
4. Successfully create a killer playlist on Spotify.
5. Realize how much you love listening to music and search possible jobs in the field.
6. Become so engaged in the idea of becoming a famous music producer that you start to search the types of houses you can buy with all of your newfound wealth.
7. Try to cook something with only the ingredients you had in your kitchen at the time.
8. Suddenly become so enthusiastic about cooking that you begin to look at recipes on Pinterest.
9. Recipes lead to other Pinterest pins and suddenly you're planning your wedding.
10. Realizing how far away a wedding is, you begin to look at new ways to decorate your room instead.
11. Feeling determined to create some sort of DIY room project, you run to the store in hopes of finding everything you need.
12. Becoming overwhelmed with the various craft supplies and time to complete said project, you return home empty handed.
13. You finally sit down and realize that all of the random things you do to gain inspiration for writing just created your piece for you.
And here it is, a list of random things that have come together to create an article. So the next time you're stuck on a topic, look around to see what random activities and acts of boredom might inspire your next piece.