I say all the time that I have no friends which I believed for a long time.
But, this is not exactly true. I do have friends. But I do not have someone that I believe would drop everything for me.
I have people I can hang out with. I am just the person that is afraid that she is going to scare people off if she is too eager. I am that person. I am the person that is so scared of rejection that she would rather just not try.
Something strange happened when I lost my best friend. A lot of people stepped up to make up for it.
This is for you.
This is for the girl that is in 3 of my classes daily that I thought hated me.
This is for the girl that I was too intimidated by to talk to but I now knows that has the same sense of humor as me.
This is to the girl that I would not be my friend because I was so much younger than her.
This is to the girl who asks me to go to lunch with her nearly everyday. Thank you for not making me sit by myself and look sad.
This is to the boy that I was told I was not allowed to hang out with anymore. I am glad that you are still in my life.
This is for the professor that just lets me sit and complain in his office. Thank you for just listening to my teenage and friend drama. You are really a great man.
This is to the girl that is horrible to shop with because she encourages me to buy everything but I would not trade for the world. Thank you for always making me laugh.
This is for the people who have inspired me to join clubs. And for the people in those clubs that I can now call my friends.
This is to the people who know that it is easier just to distract me if something is not going right.
This is to everyone that has just been there and hugged me.
This is for the people who have not made me talk but have always been there to listen if I needed them.
This is to my sister who refuses to let me be sad when I am in her presence.
This is to my parents that have checked on me constantly.
This is to my boyfriend who is always talking to me and making me smile.
This is also dedicated to the best friend that is no longer in my life. I hope you get the best out of life.
So yeah, I may not have the conventional “friends” but the friends I have realized that I do have, I would not change for the world. You guys are amazing and I do not think I would be surviving without you. Thank you for being there and never shying away from being completely yourselves.