If you, like any other college student out there are feeling the stress from all of the studying, exams, and papers of the past semester have no fear, because the long awaited thanksgiving break is almost here! It is finally time to start counting down the days (if you haven't already). Here are a few reasons to get you exited to go home for thanksgiving and help you make it through this final week of classes.
1. Home cooked meals
2. Your pets
Soon you will be able to cuddle and pet your furry friends endlessly for a whole week! if thats not something to look forward too, I don't know what is.
3. Your family
Getting to spend thanksgiving with your family is such a blessing and soon you will be able to hug them and hang out. There really isn't anything better than being together.
4. Showering without shoes on
Any shower without having to wear shoes, without being confined in a small stall with hair stuck literally everywhere, and where you don't have to walk across the dorm hallways in a robe is a good shower, remember that.
5. Sleeping in
NO 8 A.M. CLASSES! Soon you'll be able to sleep in without having an alarm set. Does it get any better?
6. Just being home
There really is no place like home, just looking forward to not being at school for a week is enough to get you through these last few days of classes.
The best part of thanksgiving break is the little hope you get in knowing that christmas is even closer!
Here's to the making it through this last week of classes before the much needed thanksgiving break!