It's time to bring awareness to a very serious cause.
Growing up in large, split family I didn't even have a chance of avoiding a very serious case of Middle Child Syndrome (MCS). Three siblings that were older than me, at least four years older at that. And then three younger sisters, all almost four years younger than me or even younger. I didn't even have a chance. I may have had a chance when I was younger if my parents could have had one more child, but the time for that is long gone and it seems there is no cure for this life-long diagnosis. Here are a few things to look for to see if you too, should get checked for MCS.
1. How many siblings do you have?
Do you have at least two siblings? If you do, count to see if there are an odd number of you. Is there? Are you the oldest? If so, you are fine don't worry. Are you the youngest? If so, again don't worry, you should actually celebrate. Now, if you find yourself kid number two of three or number three of five or are like me and number four of seven, and your parents are way past birthing years, you may have MCS. Go to your nearest clinic to be examined.
2. Do you ever feel the need to rebel or get attention?
Do you ever feel like you've been forgotten about or that you're just kind of their in a sea of siblings bobbing like a buoy? Have you ever purposely gone out of your way to seek attention or do something rebellious? Does it often go unnoticed by your parents for quite some time? If this is the case you may have MCS. Now, I'm no doctor, but with years of personal experience I can attest to these facts.
3. Does your name commonly get forgotten?
Do your parents have to list all the kids, pets, and last 15 presidents to get your name right? At this point, I pretty much respond to any of my siblings or pets' names just in case it was directed at me.
4. Does anyone know your age, or birthday, or that you hate bananas?
Have you ever celebrated your birthday in the wrong month? Or not at all? I got lucky, they always seemed to remember my birthday, however, I turned eight three years in a row.
There are many more signs and symptoms, if you would like more information seek out your nearest health professional. And as you have kids of your own, remember that there are ways to avoid giving your child MCS. Have two or less children, or have only even numbers. I live with MCS and I will be okay.