Over the past couple of years, my boyfriend and I have both received many comments regarding who I hang out with. It's time to address this issue, once and for all.
Before I started dating my lover, most of my friends were men and that hasn't changed. I've always gotten along with boys better than girls, that's just who I am. Now before you start thinking that I have no girl friends, I do. My boyfriend has always supported me and never doubted my integrity. We trust each other, so why does it matter who I hang out with?
I love my friends, and I will not stop being friends with someone because my significant other said so. I think it's ridiculous that people let their jealousy get in the way of someone's friendship with another person. Like first off why are you even jealous when you should trust each other? And if you don't trust each other, why are you still together? I know many couples that struggle with jealousy like that, good for you but we don't. I'm sorry I have other men in my life and that bothers you! That is your issue, not mine. Also stop coming up to my boyfriend with your concerns and questions on why he "allows me" to do the things I do. This is not the 1930s, so please stop and mind your own damn business.
I know most people still have that stereotype in their mind on how men are only looking for hookups in women, well you're wrong. My guy friends are just like my girl friends. I ask for advice when it comes to my relationship. A healthy relationship is one where you can still stay close to your friends without constantly thinking about your significant other getting mad at when you hang out with someone.And before you get to thinking, "oh well what if one of your guy friends starts liking you?". If one of my friends started liking me, I would confront him and say that's not respectful towards my relationship. I respect my boyfriend but he also needs to respect me and who I am friends with. It's not like I hold hands with my guy friends or kiss them on the cheek. They are only my friends and when I say that, I shouldn't be questioned about it, especially by anyone who is not my boyfriend.
Another thing to discuss, is the issue of social media. Why are people so touchy on what you post and who is in that post. If I post a picture with a boy that is not my boyfriend, why do people automatically assume that I secretly like that boy or I'm cheating on my boyfriend? I'm over these stereotypes! I want to be in an era where I feel comfortable on posting whatever the hell I want.
My advice to anyone who is struggling with this issue in their relationship: if you truly love your significant other and they truly love you, then the trust should come easy. Communication is key when it comes to having a healthy relationship, so talk about it and really voice your concerns, because if they really love and trust you then they should respect your views and opinions! It is really that simple.