We are a few weeks into the semester and it’s about around this time when quizzes and exams start to set the tone how the semester is going to be for us. Hopefully we are staying on track with our new school year resolution of getting good grades this semester, but what will happen when the social calendar rolls out and the fiesta begins? What will happen to your resolution?
I’ve noticed that many of my brothers and friends are being studious and focusing on class and doing their homework like any responsible student should do, but we all know what will happen with our academics once the tailgates, grab-a-dates, and socials pick up. The amount of people cramming a study session in the night before an exam will most likely increase, and we’ll probably make excuses if we are not doing so well in our classes. So, what excuses do we normally come up with when we don’t study and end up failing exams during the semester?
You’ll probably start asking people if they studied because who’s honestly going to study when all the fun beings. Well, depending on how well you did on your first exams during the first six weeks, you are probably barely study telling yourself that you don’t really need to because you have a feel for how the tests will be and what to study. However, if you have a professor that teaches from the lectures and you noticed that you don’t need the book for the exams, you probably won’t even open your textbook and tell yourself how you could have saved that money for more alcohol.
Well, once you have an idea of your grade in class, you’ll probably start wondering what is the bare minimum you will need to get in order to receive the grade that you want. Hopefully, at this point, you’re trying to maintain an “A” instead of settling down for a “C” because you didn’t do as well as you thought you would on the second exam. If you’re settling down for a “C”, then it probably means that you failed your new school year resolution of getting all good grades this semester and don’t care as long as you get that “C”. Besides, they say that “C’s” get degrees, and you’re not really worried about your academics because you have “A’s” and/or “B’s” in your other classes because they’ll balance out that “C”, right?
As member of the Greek community, statistically speaking, we have higher GPA’s than the average student who is not involved. So, should we really worry? That’s something you should answer yourself, but keep in mind how you’ll be once the party beings. Are you going to take your quiz drunk after going to happy hour? Or maybe you’ll just skip out on the homework because they are only worth a fraction of your total grade. Just be careful because maybe you’ll find yourself on the borderline between two grades, and depending on the professor’s policy, you might be stuck with the lower grade. Now, wouldn’t that make your day…? No, it wouldn’t. So stay focused, manage your time, and you should be able to have a social life as well as a successful academic semester.