The first year of college is a magical time. First time living away from parents. First time for having to make your own meals. First time having to balance your social life, your academics and a new environment by yourself. You start of the semester with new teachers and peers. Things appear manageable and you are ready to dive in. However, the work piles up and time seems to go by too fast. As due dates come quickly and responsibilities begin to take their toll, you feel that you can’t do it anymore. You feel that you have to carry the load alone. You can’t help but wonder if you will actually be able to make it out alive.
It doesn’t have to be that way, though. One evening in my third-floor dorm I wanted to just turn in an incomplete paper because it was the third draft and I couldn’t find the right source to cite. In desperation I opened my blinds in hope of receiving inspiration. I saw the mountains outside my window. When I felt that I couldn’t handle figuring out my graduation plan for two different majors and study for the Anatomy lab midterm one cold November night, I noticed how the mountains remained constant and stable despite intense snow storms. Each time I felt like giving up, the mountains were there to keep me looking up at their peaks towards the glorious sky above them. It’s funny how nature tends to direct your gaze towards what is most important. On my way home from class, I looked towards the blazing sun meeting the top of the range at sunset. As I saw the glorious light illuminate the mountain range, I realized that it is better to look up.
As we face trials and struggles, we tend to want to keep our sight down and within our personal space. However, we forget that the peace and comfort we seek is remembering that God is looking down at us and the only way to access His love is to reach his gaze. During those moments where you want to give up and let those adversarial forces stop you from pushing on, look up. Keep holding on to your faith. Do not let clouds of confusion blind you and make you lose focus on what is guiding you on your path. Look up to your Father and feel His love shining down on you. You will find Him and He will keep you looking up towards the bright future ahead.