No, really. I’m sorry you feel that way, but I couldn’t be happier that summer is coming to an end. Of course I enjoy the three months of no school work and the opportunity it gives you to do things you don’t normally have time for. But to me, nothing is better than getting back into the swing of things. Plus, what isn’t there to love about the fall and winter?
1. The color of changing leaves.
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Okay yes, the green color is pretty great too, and it does add a sense of wholeness to the world. But when the leaves fall and they make that crunchy sound when you walk on them, or how they coat the ground with a burnt orange layer, not to mention watching them slowly cascade from the sky onto the ground, it’s beautiful.
2. Layers.
Do I even have to say anything else? Sure, you might feel like a swaddled up baby, but there’s nothing better than feeling all bundled up in the layers of clothes that fall and winter bring upon us. Sweaters, rain coats, jeans, leggings, scarves, beanies, boots, knee length socks, tights—you name it, and you can wear it when the weather cools down. But in the summer, you’re stuck with the same old shorts, dresses, tanks and sandals. Oh, you love those clothes? You can still wear them. It’s all about the layers!
3. Fall color schemes.
What girl doesn’t love a deep burgundy -- sweaters, scarves, and leggings favorite friend? Or a mustard yellow, as gross as it sounds, is actually pretty cute. Not to mention all the shades of brown, especially when it comes to boots. And olive, because come on, you’re dying to bring that utility jacket back out -- don’t lie to yourself. Warm colors are the best colors.
4. Hot coffee. (PSL, anyone?)
Yeah, I know. It’s basic. Does it look like I care? I love my coffee any time of the year, but when it’s time for fall and winter to take over, nothing is better than the warm and comforting seasonal drinks they bring.
5. Baking.
Some people aren't bakers and that's okay -- you can enjoy the food nonetheless. But for those who do enjoy the process of baking, we know that there is no better time to do so when the weather is cold and you and your loved ones need a little pick-me-up.
6. Storms (and rain in general).
Okay, this may sound like a downfall to some -- wet hair and clothes, slippery roads and rain-covered windshields, power outages, and just being straight up cold all the time. I get it, it does have negative connotations to it, but hear me out! You can have movie nights inside with hot cocoa while it pours outside and then fall asleep to the calming sound it offers. It’s fun to run around in sometimes -- don’t forget to embrace your inner child every once in awhile. And the world looks just as beautiful, if not more, as it does dry. Plus, all those “downfalls” are fixable or have positive outcomes; you can use umbrellas, your car gets a free wash, light some candles and read a book, and again, layers when it's cold!
7. Holidays.
The rest of the year is kind of bland compared to the fall and winter season. The three most celebrated holidays in America come one after another in a three-month period. Halloween and all its spookiness. Thanksgiving and how it makes you appreciate the little things more than usual. And of course, Christmas, with all the love and joy it brings to families.
8. Eggnog.
If you hate it, I'm sorry, but you're wrong. That is all.
9. Being cozy.
Reading books or watching your favorite movies while candles burn and you're bundled up in cute comfy pajamas, all the blankets are draped over you while you're surrounded by pillows with a warm drink in your hand and a fire in the corner (if you're lucky) is exactly what the cold weather calls for, and who wouldn't enjoy that?
So sure, the end of summer may mean “back to school” for some, or the end of beach trips and vacations for others. But don’t forget the world is still ready for you to conquer it no matter the weather -- there are things to love (and hate) about every season. But no matter what time of the year you ask me, I will always say fall and winter are the best, and this article only lists a handful of the reasons why.