With school not being at the top of our priority list for the next few months, we all need something to do to keep ourselves busy. As much as we would like to sit on our bums and do nothing all summer, that just isn't going to fly, sorry amigos. So over the next few weeks, I will bestow upon y'all some of my favorite activities to engage in over summer break, besides drinking beer. This week I will start with Ultimate Frisbee, we all know this great game, but some of the finer points maybe unknown.
Let us start with a brief overview of how this wonderful game is played.
Quick rules:
- Teams of 7, or equal numbers if 14 people can't be found.
- The 'kickoff' is much like football, where the scoring team throws off to the defending team.
- Points are scored by catching the Frisbee in the end-zone of the other team.
- The Frisbee can be thrown in any direction, although the person holding the disc only has a certain time limit to throw, or else it's a turnover.
- Once the disc has been caught, one foot has to remain in place.
- The disc can change possession for a number of reasons (Not catching the disc, holding the disc too long, throwing the disc out of bounds, interception). The other team picks up the disc and immediately becomes offense.
- Games usually consists of two 45-minutes halves and the score goes to 15.
- No contact, you can get close, block throws and contest catches. Fouls are called when contact is made.
- For fouls, the play resumes as if the team completed the play. If the teams don't agree, the play is redone.
- All games are self-officiated and teams call their own fouls.
- Lastly, have fun. Ultimate is about sportsmanship and having fun while being competitive.
So the above rules are all the official rules from the USA Ultimate website. I know, as much as you know, that these rules are more like guidelines when playing with friends. Anyways, this game is always fast paced and competitive, I promise you this. You will be left out of breath, though faking an injury for some R&R is never frowned upon among friends.
The beauty of this game is that anyone can play, you don't need any equipment, although a pair of soccer cleats wouldn't hurt, and obviously you need a Frisbee but I shouldn't have to tell you that.
Ultimate Frisbee is a fairly new sport, compared to sports such as soccer, but it's gaining immense popularity from all ages across the world. If you're interested in playing (which I highly suggest) try signing up for a intramural team this spring!