Safe from Malachi, Blaise laid on her couch, ice pack on her shoulder, with music blaring from the stereo. This was usually how she spent her leisure time, alone in her tree with music on. She zoned off into her personal dreamland where her desires came to life. Before she even knew it, she was asleep. If she were in a deep sleep, she would have missed the banging on her door. Quickly, she turned off the stereo and went to the door, straightening her short brown hair. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see Gary, the delivery guy.
"Afternoon, Ms. Fireza," he said in his deep voice. "Got a package for you here." He pointed to the long package on the ground. "Sign this, please."
Blaise signed the forms and took the package from Gary. When she opened the package, she froze and stared at what was inside. Three blood red roses (her favorite kind) peeked out at her form the cellophane box with a note attached. It read: Blaise. Meet me at my place seven-thirty sharp. I have no doubt you know where it is. Wear something nice. - Malachi
This guy just didn't give up.
Annoyed, Blaise threw the note aside and went to find a vase for the roses. Just because some stupid guy gave them to her didn't mean the poor flowers didn't deserve a drink. Once the flowers were in a vase, she started toward her room. Malachi wasn't going to give up until he got what he wanted. He'd keep pestering and pestering her until she gave in. Or he'd find some way to grab her on the street. So why not see what he wanted? Not that she wanted to.
Outfit changed, makeup applied, and hair done, Blaise look at herself in the full-body mirror behind her bedroom door. She wore a red silk blouse, black skinny jeans, and simple black ballet flats. With a final finger-run-through her straightened hair, she walked out of her house and onto the dark road, slightly illuminated by a few lanterns. As she shut the gate behind her, a single thought popped into her brain.
She never told him her name. Creepy
* * *
The roads of The Forest were always spooky at night. Shadows were cast every which way from the lanterns hanging in the branches. There always seemed like someone was watching you, and when you turned around, no one would be there. With every step you took, a twig snapped or leaves rustled, making you flinch.Of course Malachi had to live down one of the darkest, most deserted roads in the Forest. Just figures, Blaise thought.
Holding her head high, Blaise continued walking down the dark road. Every few steps she looked around her since she thought someone was watching her. She had to have flinched and jumped at least twenty times ten minutes into the walk. The only light provided was the light of the moon. But still, that wasn't very much light so she tripped a few times.
After recovering from her last trip, Blaise heard a sound. She froze and tried to figure out what it was. A chill went down her spin as she heard it again. A growl. A soft but very predatory growl. As she turned her head to the right, she could make out twin glowing red eyes. The eyes were about eight feet off the ground. The silhouette of the figure was broad, but Blaise couldn't make much out of it. It growled louder and a small yelp escaped Blaise's lips, making her jump back.
Wrong choice. Shit.
The creature roared. Literally roared. Blaise did the only logical thing she could think of. She ran.
Ran in fear for her life. She pumped her arms and legs as fast as they would allow. She could hear the creature behind her, and somehow she knew that the creature could catch her any time it wanted. It enjoyed the chase. The power of the chase. Her lungs ached with every panting breath she took. She knew she wasn't going to make it. She was going to die. Truly, truly die.
As if by a chance of fate, Blaise saw the huge outline of Malachi's...mansion...about one hundred yards ahead. She wasn't surprised at the size of it. But the creature was right on her tail. She could feel it's hot breath puffing against the back of her neck.
In a moment of sheer panic, she screamed as loud as she could. It was a high-pitched scream, high enough to break glass and turn her throat raw, and the scream wasn't separated by pauses for breath. It was just a long stream She screamed and screamed; it seemed to get higher the longer she screamed.
She was backed up against Malachi's giant door now, still screaming. She had already banged on it repeatedly and yanked on the doorknob and it hadn't budged. Pressed against the door, Blaise looked into the creatures deadly eyes, filled with triumph, about a foot or so away from her. There still wasn't enough light to see what it was exactly, but by the smell of its breath, she could tell it had recently eaten meat. Raw meat.
Absolutely terrified, she squeezed her eyes shut and her scream picked up pitch. The Breaking Point. The creature reared back and howled in agony. It took one final glance of hatred at her before running off into the night.
Blaise's scream gradually died down, but she was horrified at what she had done. She had used her power, her ability. She promised herself she would never use it again, not after what she did to Tim years ago. And yet, she broke that promise to herself tonight. When she had made the monster run away.
But Blaise didn't have anymore time to think about that. The door she was pressed against faded into nothing and she lost her balnace.
Blaise fell backward into the dark abyss.