The Haunted Tales Of The University Of Nevada, Reno's Campus
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The Haunted Tales Of The University Of Nevada, Reno's Campus

"Double, double Wolf Pack and trouble"

The Haunted Tales Of The University Of Nevada, Reno's Campus
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There is just something breathtaking about the University of Nevada, Reno's campus. Is it the vine-covered, Ivy-League-like brick buildings? The idyllic Manzanita Lake, it...a GHOST? We all know the University of Nevada, Reno was founded in 1874, but are there some other things found on campus that cannot be seen?

In the spirit of Halloween, I have decided to go on my own little ghost adventure hunt and see what haunted tales I could uncover throughout the spooky buildings on campus. Hold onto your Starbucks coffee and your textbook students, because this will be quite the tale to tell.

1. Lincoln Hall

Our first stop on this haunted tour is none other than Lincoln Hall. Supposedly, on Feb. 11, 1906, mechanical engineering major James Champagne accidentally shot himself while he was cleaning his rifle in his room during the night in Lincoln Hall. The scariest part of the building is most definitely awarded to the basement. Some students around campus said their phones have gone haywire while trying to take pictures of the building. One student was even certain they heard a ghost, who they believe was Champagne himself. The campus used to have an annual haunted house in this building, but suddenly have stopped running it. Interesting. Very interesting..

2. Mackay School of Mines

As I opened the grand double doors to the Mackay Mines, I was taken aback by the exquisite staircase, the beautiful bathroom (which is a whole other different story), and wait, what was that? As I made my way into the DeLaMare Library, I could have sworn the clocks stopped. Fellow students and staff often blame the one and only Clarence Mackay for flickering lights and the stopped clocks. You can also feel her playful presence as you walk past the large portrait of her in the conference room. Maybe Clarence just loves the 3-D printer and cannot contain her excitement.

3. Frandsen Humanities

As if going to class was not torture enough, imagine going to a classroom where the first floor of the building was used to butcher cattle. Yes, butcher cattle. The Frandsen building was home to the Agriculture department and they blessed us with these cattle butchering rooms, as well as blood gutters that were installed. Thankfully, these rooms were removed during the building's renovation. Although there are no reports of cattle haunting the building, I am sure that the English department is less than amused teaching or having an office where animals were sliced and diced. Talk about a bloody past. And let's not forgot the dimly-lit elevators in this building. Those elevators are creepy without any backstory.

4. Paul Laxalt Mineral Engineering

Although there is not a particular ghost lurking throughout this building, I had asked many students about a creepy building on-campus and many claimed that this was their top choice, due to the "creepy vibe" the building gives off. Maybe the mine labs dig a little too close to comfort, perhaps?

5. Church Fine Arts

No, this building is not haunted because someone ignorantly shouted, "Macbeth!" in the theater. The building is reportedly haunted by the ghost of a former professor, specifically, in the Church Fine Arts basement. Maybe this professor is doing some sight singing? Or perhaps perfecting their "Phantom of the Opera" role? Quite the method actor, if you ask me. Bravo, Mr. or Ms. Ghost! Bravo!

6. Morrill Hall Alumni Center

Morrill Hall was the first building on University of Nevada, Reno's campus, which is why it is our last and final stop on this haunted tour. Apparently, there is an unknown female ghost that lurks in this historical building. Dressed in 1920s wardrobe, she stands by the windows, front doors and enjoys to haunt the inside of the bell tower, as you walk from class to class.

I hope you enjoyed my journey into the deep abyss of the haunted tales of the University of Nevada, Reno's campus. And maybe the ghost lurking behind you enjoyed it as well. ;)

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