We all have heard stories about the supernatural from a young age. As we get older, our belief in those stories may waver, but there is no doubt that the curiosity remains. For students at Indiana State University, we all have heard about different stories about the supernatural not only on campus, but around Vigo and Clay County as well. Countless expeditions have been made to the haunted places in question and each trip yielded different results. True, sometimes nothing happens. However, the times in which something does happen is amazing.
Are you personally curious about what Vigo and Clay County have to offer? Never fear, because here are some of the top haunted places in the area. For personal reasons, the directions to these locations will not be posted in this article. However, if you still want to find a way to a certain location, be sure to use the Indiana State University Folklore Archives. The ISU Folklore archives contains many stories from around the Midwest and some reports will lead you to the right location. Prior to any expeditions that you make, be sure to check with local law enforcement to ensure that you are clear to go (especially with buildings, parks, and cemeteries). Always let people know where you are going and be sure that your cell phones are charged.
100 Steps Cemetery
Located in between Terre Haute and Brazil, 100 Steps Cemetery lies on top of a hill. According to the legend, you need to arrive at the witching hour and climb up the stairs to the top of the hill. If you count up to one-hundred, the spirit of the first grave-keeper is supposed to appear to you and give you a vision. In your vision, you are shown how you are supposed to die. In order to avoid that particular fate, you are supposed to climb back down the stairs and count to one-hundred once more. Didn’t make it to that particular number? Bad news. The vision will come true. However, if you make it to that magical number, there’s no need to worry.
Other variations of the legend state that if you are to run up the hill on the grass you will be thrown back to the bottom of the hill. The mark of the devil will be imprinted on your chest and nothing can get it off until three days have passed.
Old Mill Dam
Located in northern Terre Haute, Old Mill Dam currently lies within the boundaries of a small park. In the 1800s, Old Mill Dam used to be a stop for the underground railroad overnight. Legend says that when one group stopped for the night, one of the little girls got too close to edge of the water. She fell in, went over the waterfall, and drowned. Some say that if you walk by the banks at the witching hour, mysterious footprints will begin to appear beside your own as you walk along. If the little girl doesn’t like you, she will appear to you and scream at you to go away.
Edna Collins Bridge
There are many variations to this story, but here is the general story. Back when the bridge was first built, it allowed many of the locals to get to town quicker and easier. One family would stop by the bridge and drop off their daughter and the family dog before going into town. Whenever they would return, they would honk their horn three times and both the daughter and the dog would know it was time to go back home. One time, when the parents were heading back, they ran into a very heavy storm. By the time they got back, an hour had passed. They honked the horn, but only the dog appeared. They searched for their daughter for ages, but no luck. Legend has it that if you stop your car in the middle of the bridge, you will either hear tapping around your vehicle, fingerprints will mysteriously appear around your vehicle. If you have blond hair, don’t be surprised if the little girl wants to play with it…
Hell’s Gates
The Hell’s Gates have had a mysterious past. What makes it even more mysterious are the rumors of the Klansmen and Satanic worshipers who have fought for control of the land surrounding the gates. Anyway, there are seven gates total that are found in various locations starting from Diamond, IN towards Greencastle, IN. When you cross the first gate, the entire cycle begins. When you arrive at the second gate, an inexplicable dark shadow appears. The third gate brings a drastic temperature drop. The fourth gate has a creek that runs under it and the water is supposed to turn black. The fifth gate causes the roads to become icy and dangerous (even in the summer). At the sixth gate, you are supposed to hear the screams of condemned souls. And at the final gate, you are supposed to get out of the vehicle and the devil or upper-level demon is supposed to appear and drag you to hell.
Most college students know where gate #2 is located at. The location of the other seven gates are difficult, but not impossible to find. Although I personally have found all of them, I have not gone to them in order… yet...
Anyway, there are many more stories surrounding these places, but I will go into more detail in upcoming posts. I hope this inspires some of you to go out and make your own adventure! Stay safe and happy hunting!