College is a scary place. Exams, papers, mean professors, new people and confusing campuses make for a frightening mix. But much plagues the students of the University of Alabama, more supernatural fears: ghosts. Rumor has it many of the buildings on campus are plagued by spirits that just can’t seem to leave the Capstone.
The Quad
On foggy nights on the Quad, students have reported seeing three ghoulish figures walking around. Speculation is that the tallest one is the ghost of a Confederate soldier and the other two are long-dead professors of the University.
Gorgas Library
The main library on campus and one of the most prominent buildings on the quad is also said to be haunted. The spirit of Amelia Gayle Gorgas inhabits the library that bears her name: Gorgas Library. Amelia monitors the shelves of the fourth floor to make sure everything is in order. The elevators have been programmed to skip this floor, but students have claimed that sometimes when they are alone at night, the doors will open on the fourth floor to reveal Amelia. Beware of the fourth floor, and maybe take the stairs next time.
Gallaway Theatre In Rowand-Johnson Hall
Marian Gallaway has also decided that she is the rightful inhabitant of the place of her namesake on campus. Marian Gallaway haunts the Gallaway Theatre in Rowand-Johnson Hall. Some students say that the spirit can even be summoned. If a student stands center stage, alone in the theatre and asks, “How’s my blocking, Mrs. Gallaway?” she will appear. Mrs. Gallaway also does not like dilly-dallying. If students are not working hard enough during rehearsals, Mrs. Gallaway will slam doors to get them to get back to work.
Smith Hall
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Smith Hall on the Quad is also reported to be haunted by its namesake, Eugene Allen Smith. Students claim that Smith’s chariot can be heard rolling down hallways. Horses neigh and whips crack as Smith takes his ride.
Ghosts or not, Alabama has a rich history that lends itself to ghost stories. I just know that I will be avoiding the Quad on foggy nights.