Imagine, for just a minute, that something horrible was to happen to the United States. Something that would make you flee, and look for somewhere else to go.
What would your options be? Where would you choose to go? Imagine, for just a second that no other country wants you. Not a single one… why? Because of the country you were born in.
What if you couldn’t save your child, your dying great-grandma, your uncle, your cousins, your parents, or even yourself. Imagine that other countries do not want you, because a small minority of your population did something awful, and unforgettable.
In their eyes, that small minority would make up a whole population, but you’re not individuals, you’re just a faceless person in a mass of Americans they don’t want. Just for a second, how awful does that feel?
But… but… but… “I never did anything horrible, so they shouldn’t blame it on me!”
While scientists, mothers, doctors, family friends, brothers, and sisters are being detained around the world, this is their situation. People who did nothing wrong, are being victimized for something they had nothing to do with. If the tables are turned here, you would be outraged, because who dare do that to an American.
We need all kinds of people to make our country work to it’s full potential. It is amazing to me that we still shun people based on the color the their skin, or the religion practiced. Fear of the unknown, or fears of past events are holding people back from opening their arms to people who need to be here.
Moving to another country, halfway around the world is not something people just decide to do one day, they aren’t just “doing it for the heck of it”, and they surely are not doing it just to inconvenience you.
Hatred is not inherent, it is learned, and our country has learned something that makes my heart hurt.