Though we're not very close to spring, I'm already preparing for it to be here. While one might say spring is where school ends for a nice long break, I'd say that the enjoyment of that break is contained mostly in the summer. To me, most aspects of spring (as you're going to see in this article) are disappointing to me.
The Weather
The weather in spring is horrible. It’s cold without snow, it’s windy and everything is always wet but a cold type of wet not a good summer type of wet. I feel like it’s always either gray clouds or too bright outside.
I don’t have seasonal allergies, but having to listen to my many friends complain about theirs makes me dislike spring for it for them.
It’s Pretty Boring
Okay, so I know that spring is when a lot of cool things happen, but it still feels pretty boring to me. Easter is cool if you celebrate Easter. Outside of that there isn’t much going on. I mean, you have summer to look forward to, but that’s it.
It’s Not Fall
Fall is better than spring because you have winter right around the corner. It’s cold and wet like spring but it’s coming off of the tail of a bunch of heat in the summer so that’s not a big deal. Leaves become interesting colors in the fall. In the spring, they’re boring colors (sorry to green fans out there).
It’s Not Summer
Summer is cool because it’s hot outside and you don’t need to worry about wearing a coat outside. It’s not perfect, but you know, it’s better than spring because it’s actually warm.
It’s Not Winter
Winter is better than spring because it’s confident in being cold and windy and actually snows instead of just being uncomfortable. Spring isn’t worth the inconvenience of its weather, but winter absolutely is.
If you like spring, I respect your opinion, but after reading all of these points I think it's pretty hard to make a good case for spring.