I love the Holiday season! curling up with a hot beverage and watching cheesy movies or my particular favorite
Nightmare Before Christmas. The smell of wonderful goods coming from the kitchen and passed down for generations. However, battling recovery of an eating disorder is never simple and it never will be but the Holidays are always a caution zone.
Dealing with family at holiday meals is always an obstacle course full of questions like "how is school?" "are you dating anyone?" or my personal favorite "are you sure you have enough there?" *either sarcastic or serious depending on the family member am I right?* Anyways, being anxious about the intakes or lack there of and how you are perceived is on high alert which is so exhausting. I feel like holidays are a huge hate love relationship and there sometimes feels like there is no escape but I try to keep a positive outlook.
When the family is getting you down for food or for lack of significant other (sorry mom) you know what you gotta do?
There is always some positive way to look at things even though it might be had to see. It takes so much practice to recognize whether it is your sick self-speaking or your healthy self and once you find that divide will only help you master the Obscurus within you.
On another note more specific to Thanksgiving and current event is the Dakota Access Pipeline. For HUNDREDS of years, the Native Americans have been marginalized and even to the point where they could not speak or learn their own languages. The Native American Languages Act of 1 990 is when Native languages were finally able to be taught. Think about it the natives were here WAYYYYYYYYYY before white people even thought about crossing oceans and it wasn't until 1990 till they could speak their own language....
Besides that right now as you are reading this there are people fighting for their land still and are being seriously hurt because of the drive for oil and the fact that it will "creating jobs"
The jobs are only temporary but the damage will last lifetimes. The main issues with the Dakota pipeline is a) It will be damaging the environment and the water supply for many thousands of people. Secondly, the fact that people are blatantly ignoring the fact that there are burial grounds that would be destroyed.
Recently in the news, the protests against the Pipeline have become a harmful and potentially deadly. In the words of Jess Kleean "because in a society based so much on “the now” and driven by the need for self-gratification, it is hard to convince them that pursuing an idea that may be slightly more inconvenient is worth it. It is difficult to look beyond our own lives and see the world around us, but that is what we must do. We must recognize the impact that our actions have or possibly could have, and we must actively work to diminish them as best we can."
So all in all, be too thankful be thankful for the roof over your head, the clothes on your back and that you are not fighting for your life whether it be an internal battle or a battle against the man KEEP FIGHTING