How can anyone hate a snow day? A snow day freezes time and stops everything. It closes school and work. I was so grateful to have a snow day March 7, 2018! Not because all my midterms got pushed back or anything, but because it gave me a free day.
I honestly hate the cold though and the thing is I'm almost always cold. Ask anyone! But when it's a snow day, its a different type of cold. I instantly get excited to sit in my PJs and binge watch Netflix all day. Snow days are peaceful because your life is basically on pause.
Of course, snow days are not as magical as when I was a little kid and the whole neighborhood would play outside. We would build tunnels in the dead end, have snowball fights, and go sledding. Now we're all old and we enjoy the snow day from inside.
A snow day is like the perfect mental health day because your not really expected to do anything. The main thing you're expected to do on a snow day is chill.
My day consisted of eating french toast, watching a movie, taking a nap, eating again, watching more tv, and eating. That's a solid day in my book! How many days do you actually get to do things like that? The answer is like never! Especially when you work on Sundays or have a ton of homework to do.
I know everyone was so over the winter and want spring, but you cannot say you were unhappy with receiving a day off from school or work. I personally cannot wait until the 70 degree weather, but I'll take a day off anytime I can get.
I will always get excited for a snow day, even in college!