'The Hate U Give" is a film that was released in 2018 that shows Starr Carter navigating life as a young Black woman in a private, mostly white high school and her lower-income, predominantly Black neighborhood.
After she watches her childhood best friend get shot by a police officer, she is put in a position to stay anonymous to avoid the attention or speak up and fight for justice for her friend and Black lives everywhere.
Be aware of these things before you watch this film.
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1. It WILL make you uncomfortable.Â
And it should. If you have any sense of peace or composure during this movie, you need to check your privilege and realize you are part of the problem.
Watching a young, unarmed, Black man get shot by a police officer should not sit right with you.
2. It is an incredible movie.
Yes, you will learn a lot in this movie, but it's not only informational, it's extremely well done. From the storyline and cast right down to the character arcs and passion behind every single scene.
3. You will become more self-aware as a white person with privilege.Â
The ignorance of privilege and the resistance to realizing privilege by white people is very well portrayed in this film.
4. It will make you question if you are doing your part to support the Black community.
This is a GOOD thing. Ask yourself, have I done my research? Have I used my platform to vocalize the support and help spread knowledge about systemic racism?
5. It illustrates all of the real life systemic racism and cop killings in a very real way.Â
George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Atatiana Jefferson, Philando Castille, and so many others. These people were murdered by police officers and voices amplifying that Black Lives Matter and justice needs to be served for these murders have never been louder.
This movie cohesively shows the picture of what racism by people meant to protect does to a community.
It's a fictional story, but that does not make what happens in this movie to be any less real.
Stay safe during protests and be sure to protect your face from any tear gas or pepper spray with these reusable face shields and use this cardboard for your protest signs!
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