“However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”
-George Washington-
The first president certainly was not a perfect person, but he knew enough about people to discern a future where political parties would drive people apart. I have to say, after witnessing the presidential debates and listening to people fight over who should win and what party they support, I really just can not wait for this election to be over because of the candidates I have to choose from and how people are reacting and treating each other.
I am not saying I will not vote this election season. I think choosing not to vote is disrespectful to the people I know worked hard to give me the right to vote and inexcusable, as I care deeply about the country I live in and the people I share it with as a whole and I cannot complain about the country I live in if I choose to ignore my responsibility as a citizen. What I am saying is that I am finding it hard to choose a political party and get behind either candidate. I want more options!
"Our negligence and our division are distress and death."
-John Dickinson-
Political parties are self interested. They bring disunity in our country, especially since there are only 2 main parties. We fight over why you need to vote for Trump because he is the only republican candidate, or why one should vote for Hillary because she embodies the democratic party, but do we take a step back to think about people in the country other than ourselves?
One reason someone would vote for Trump would be to protect the borders, but would they think about how that would affect someone from Mexico trying to escape a small town where drugs have overtaken them and they want to go to the U.S. for a better future? This Mexican would be trapped by a huge wall, separating them from making progress. Do we know if they're a bad person? Do we know if they are coming in legally? Do we have the right to judge if they are going to harm our chances at getting a job or living in a safer neighborhood? Almost everyone in America has a history of a family of immigration. The United States was built on immigration. Where would I be if my ancestors could not come to the new world because only people from England could come to the colonies?
One might vote for Hillary because she supports gay marriage, women's rights, and increasing the economy, and debt free college. Focusing in on debt free college sounds fantastic! As a poor college student, it is a very appealing prospect. Unfortunately things that are 'free' usually come at a cost. If I am paying thousands of dollars for an education, that makes it worth something. If I didn't have to work for anything in my life, it would not have value or be as appreciated. College is a privilege, and it is not necessary for every person. Some people decide not to go to college, and that is absolutely fine! If everyone starts to go to college, a Bachelors degree will become worth even less, and job prospects will decrease further. People might get out of college debt free, but they might be paying it back in a different way and we do not know how that will affect the society as a whole.
We are all human; we have opinions, desires, hopes, and dreams. We should not abandon our identities, but we need to lay aside our differences for unity.
"Let us, with a truly wise generosity and charity, banish and discourage all illiberal distinctions, which may arise from differences in situation, forms of government, or modes of religion."
-John Dickinson-
We should not be fixing our attention on our own political views, we should be focusing on all of the citizens of the United States and what would be better for our country as a whole. I don't care what your race, gender, or political views are. If we disagree on something, that is okay. I am not going to unfriend you from Facebook, or tell you your wrong. I am going to listen to what you have, gain some perspective, and walk away (hopefully) a better person.
I hope that one day, we will have more than just republicans and democrats, but people who want to make this country a better place and who are genuinely without self-interest, and I am looking forward to a time when we do not have only 2 dominating parties. Please vote wisely this November; it is not just your future that depends on your choice, everyone will be impacted by your decision.
Dickinson, John. 1768. "Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania." In Major Problems in the Era of the American Revolution, by Richard D. and Carp, Benjamin L. Brown, 85-89. Boston: Wadsworth.