During class registration weeks, it's always a race to see who can create the best schedule. Students vie to get no Friday classes, no early classes, no late classes, and so on and so forth. Part of this race for me is to try to get absolutely no online classes as they are the bane of my existence. Why? Because there is nothing that puts a strain on me like that of remembering I have to do work for an instructor I'll never meet and a class I probably care nothing about.
While I don't necessarily enjoy every single class that's required by the college of business for my major, there are some that are better than others. There is nothing, however, worse than that of a required online class.
Part of going to class is a reminder to me that I have to learn and get work done and do homework. Online classes for me are more of a burden than a benefit of not having to physically go to a classroom. I end up learning nothing in the curriculum but instead, how to do the minimal amount of online activities to get the best grade possible.
I like having purpose and going to campus to learn from my professors. After all, they themselves went to school to teach my peers and I, so I want to sit in front of them and listen to lectures and put pen to paper and takes notes.
There will never be a day where I would rather choose to read an online "lecture pdf" rather than go to campus and sit at a desk and watch as the chalk in my professors hand glide across the chalkboard as it prepares me for my future.
There are several reasons to dislike online classes. Some of which include (but are not limited to):
I forget it exists.
*Reminder on phone:* online homework due in five minutes
I don't even know how to do the "assignments".
You want me to go on a "virtual field trip?" What the hell is that?
I don't care about learning, but trying to get the best grade I can.
Nailed it.
I teach myself the entire curriculum, but still have to pay for the class tuition and books.
This is ridiculous
More times than not the professors don't care about you or the grade.
How the hell are we supposed to do a group project when I don't even know people in this online class?
Wait, what?
I get distracted entirely too easy.
Trying to push myself through the mountains of busy work required for the class is like pushing myself through a miserable workout routine.
I put everything off until the last minute.
Because I still refuse to believe this is an actual class.