Getting up in the morning is never very pleasant. It is not something I want to do, and if I could, I would sleep all day long. Getting up for me is like someone ripping each individual hair out of my head. It is a long and painful process.
First things first, I hate mornings because I don't want to get out of bed. I love my bed so much. I share this love with my bed that I can't get anywhere else. It doesn't require any energy from me, I don't have to constantly make it happy. If anything, it gives me energy and makes me happy. We have a wonderful relationship. It keeps me warm and it has this certain aroma it gives off I like to call the sleep aroma. As soon as you lay down and you smell your clean sheets and comforters you can't help but get tired and drift off into dreamland. My bed is such a perfect match for me, and the only thing that stands in the way of our love is the morning. I hate mornings.
Waking up in the morning requires me to stop dreaming. Sometimes my dreams are so real it feels like another reality I am living in. I have everything I ever wanted in my dreams including a billion extra dollars to spare. I have dreams that I can fly, and live in these places that would never exist on earth. It is such a beautiful thing, dreaming. Sometimes I wish I could sleep forever and choose when I wake up just so I didn't have to leave these perfect dreams. Waking up in the morning stops those false realities, and completely RUINS my dreams. Picture this: you're in the middle of winning a billion dollars and you hear the jackpot alarm going off to signify you just won all this money, but it isn't the jackpot alarm it is your phone alarm waking you up at 7 am for your real responsibilities in life. I hate mornings.
Waking up in the morning and realizing you have to go to work and leave your bed and your dreams behind is the hardest. Knowing that you have responsibilities is the number one reason I hate mornings. You have to leave everything behind to go sit behind a desk to learn, or to go to the office and make money. Either way both option is worse than being able to sleep in your bed all day. The thoughts that go through my mind when I realize my alarm is waking me up for my responsibilities are of extreme hatred. I hate mornings.
Mornings require me to get out of bed and step my feet on the cold ground and shiver all the way to the shower, and even half of my shower I am shivering. This doesn't happen any other time of the day, it just happens during the morning. Why? Because it is chilly before the sun is up and that is usually when I am getting up (which shouldn't be normal, but it is.) After I finally start to warm up in the shower I have to get out and freeze my ass off again when I start to get dressed. The morning is the worst time of day. I hate mornings.
You would think after I get a shower it is all going to be uphill from there. EH WRONG. I have to make my morning coffee and head straight for class, or work whichever is going on that day. Either way they both suck, and I get there and I loathe my life because I am there and not in my bed. The morning is the worst time of the day because your responsibilities pull you from the one love in your life that would never leave or betray you, and you can't do anything about it. Unless it is the weekend, and you have nothing to do those are the best kind of mornings where you can just lay in bed all day, and not care about anything, but that happens only 2 out of 7 days. So the rest of the 5 days of the week I hate mornings.