Now that the election is finally over and our new president has been announced, social media has blown up with surprise, anger, and most prominently, hate.
Big surprise most Americans are infuriated? Of course not.
But, as a person who is connected to and involved in possibly every social media possible, the amount of hate I have seen towards other’s opinions is not only horrendous but also scary.
This election created a strong type of hate that I have never really encountered before.
The words that were being said to other people because of their opinions made me more anxious than the election itself.
My eyes has been opened to how prominent people turn to social media to vent, and expect that because they cursed at a couple people or yelled through typed words it will change anything.
There are things you can do people! Stop sitting at your computer screen and thinking hatred is going to change any general situation you are in!
You have a problem with the situation you are in? You feel uncomfortable? Stand up for what you believe in. Be the change. Let others know how you are feeling without tearing someone completely down.
Because I hate to break it to you, but ranting on social media and attacking others will not change anything. It will not change the outcome of the election and it will most importantly not change any conflict that you encounter in life.
Fight for what you believe in. Peacefully protest. Find groups who believe the same as you do. Respectfully share your opinions with an open mind and heart.
Because a respectful and loud voice is better than silent words typed through a computer screen.