We've all had those days where we have so much to do, but no motivation to do it. It's hard trying to stay focused and actually get the task at hand done. This week, I have a huge Communications presentation, but I'd rather be doing these seventeen things instead.
1. Go to all my 8 a.m.'s
Huh? What? The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell? Okay got it.
2. Move across campus
How the hell did I fit so much stuff into such a tiny space?!
3. Watch a documentary on Donald Trump
No thank you!
4. Finish all my Biology lectures in one week
So much to learn, so little time.
5. Loft and unloft my bed five times
All I want to do after a long day of classes is jump into bed. Not climb ten feet into the air then do it.
6. Eat brussel sprouts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
To the people that eat these things for fun, you are a certain kind of special!
7. Hear the word "moist" and "wasps" a thousand times
The worst words in the English dictionary.
8. Run
We have a gym and people actually go there for fun? Are they crazy?
9. Have an Android.
I can not have an android. I refuse!!
10. Live next to a garbage can
When you live next to the garbage can, you might as well live in the garbage can.
11. Listen to the train horn for seventeen consecutive hours
12. Study
I've completely forgotten how to read!
13. Work on legs every day for four hours
14. Clean the garbage chute
All I have to say is, no friggin' way.
15. Walk all the way across campus in the freezing cold for fun
-20 got nothin on me!
16. Do 500 stairs
So close, yet so far.
17. Give up Noodles and Company for a year
There you have it kiddos. Seventeen thing's I would rather accomplish than work on my Communications presentation. It's difficult, excruciating work. But, it must be done.