Okay, okay, put your wands down I am not He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I want to first say that I am a huge Potterhead, played muggle Quidditch for some time in college and a proud Ravenclaw. However, I heavily dislike the majority of the movies.
Don't get me wrong, I will happily sit down and watch each and every movie back to back, but I am constantly nit-picking it. I am thankful the movies exist and have helped the franchise become what it is today. Though, due to them starting production on the movies before the series was completed, it caused SO many issues.
The first movie came out right after "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" was released. Even though J.K. Rowling was there to guide them, she was always secretive about the story and where it would lead. This often led to the director/movie writers to leave out important plot points. Or mention something in a movie that was never mentioned or touched on previously
One of my favorite movements throughout the "Harry Potter" series is S.P.E.W (Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare) and the house elves as a whole. Their aid in the war in the last book was amazing and let's not forget about Winkie. Another thing is the movies barely touched on Neville's parents, Peeves, squibs, all of Voldemort's backstory and even Dumbledore's backstory.
I know that is it nearly impossible to fit every single detail in a movie, but I feel like they could have done better to help fill in those missing pieces. I am a firm believer that it would have made a great TV series where each season is a book. All of the built up suspense and all the knowledge would have made the ending so much better.
I just hate that they lost some of the magic of "Harry Potter" that makes me love the series so much. It is more than an unlikely hero saves the day, it is more than good vs. evil, it is about love, family, protection, discrimination, sacrifice, and most importantly, death.
"Harry Potter" ultimately, despite the magic and wonder, is what we face in the world. Every struggle that someone goes through in the books is relatable to something in the real world.
This is what the movies missed. While those who watch get emotional at certain parts (we all know what those are), the way those deaths are built up in the book make it so much more difficult, it made it more real. Because with death comes love, support, and ultimately closure in time. It's an endless circle, that I feel the movies missed due to being produced before knowing the end. However, I am glad they exist, to help the new generation of Potterheads to arise, and eventually be lead to the books that I hold dear to my heart that shaped my childhood.