Living in the era of social media can be really beneficial, you are able to reach out and keep in touch with people better than ever before. There is a reoccurring problem though, dating during this time gets increasingly frustrating.
When you start talking to a guy, no doubt you and your friends have stalked him on all forms of social media. This can be really fun and you can find out things about them with out having to awkwardly ask. Then when you guys start dating there can be trouble, often times girls will get frustrated, because if he doesn't post a picture with you or make it "Facebook official" you feel like he doesn't really like you. You start to think the guy you are with doesn't care about you, just because your relationship isn't on blast to the world. This notion is absolutely ridiculous, since when did feelings get dictated by how many people know about your relationship? What ever happened to privacy?
Not only that, but now when people in relationships get into fights instead of communicating about it, they jump on Twitter and complain. How do we think this is going to solve anything? Even if we know it's stupid, we all fall victim to it. You can become obsessed with social media, if he doesn't text you back for a while, you check Snap Chat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, to see if he posted anything. This literally could drive a girl crazy, these are games none of us have time for, also they take away from your day. When did we all start deciding to be petty?
Then we have the worst part, when you two break up. You start lurking to see if he found a new girl, or to see if he said anything about you. He also could block you and that hurts the most, because you become obsessed with finding out what he is up to. You have probably asked your friend to keep tabs on him. You can't get over someone this way, it only makes the heart break worst. We all need to stop posting all of our business on social media and get back to showing a person we care in person.