Will Haskell Shows That Young People’s Voices Matter | The Odyssey Online
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Will Haskell Is Confirmation That Young People’s Voices Matter

The 22-year-old is now a CT Senator


Will Haskell is 22 years old. As of May 2018, he is a Georgetown University graduate. As of November 6, 2018, he is a Connecticut Senator.

Haskell has been alive as long as his predecessor, Sen. Toni Boucher, has been in office. But Haskell is proving that age is but a number. As Haskell himself said, "there is no minimum age for getting involved and to be on the right side of history." Most of his campaign volunteers aren't even old enough to vote. But they are doing everything they can to show their support.

For decades, the 18-29-year-olds have recorded the lowest voter turnout. This year, 3.3 million voters in the category voted early, up 188% from 2014. It is still lower than other groups, but this is a major improvement. Many of the reasons are represented by Will Haskell.

Haskell had planned to go to law school after completing his undergrad. But when Trump won the 2016 election, he wanted to do more. He has already worked for the Democratic National Committee, campaigned for Clinton in 2016, and interned with Representative Jim Himes and Senator Chris Murphy. Instead, when he saw Senator Boucher would be running unopposed for the Senate seat, he changed his plans.

He wants gun reform—many were moved by his speech at a March for Our Lives rally earlier this year. He advocated for women's rights—with paid family leave and more progressive action for ending the gender wage gap and workplace harassment. He campaigned on the Democratic ideals that the state votes for nationally, but not locally. You can read all about his campaign on his website.

Oh, and Former President Barack Obama endorsed him.

Haskell is overwhelming proof that young voters do have a voice, and they should use it. This is a group that is told they are too young to really know, too young to really understand. Haskell is 22 years old. He does not have 22 years of experience. Haskell can understand what the people want.

Many people—like Haskell—are not satisfied with the current administration. They want change and they are making it. Look at March for Our Lives, the Women's March, and this year's voter turn-out. Look at celebrity encouragement like Taylor Swift. Look at Will Haskell.

Young people made a difference in this election. They have shown up to the polls. They have used their voice. They are making history.

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