So you've had it -- the dorms on campus are for freshmen and, to be honest, they have that horrible smell. The campus dining is not the stuff of dreams and it's hard to make a real meal in three square feet of space and a crappy microwave. Before you move off campus, it's time to accept some things as true.
1. Someone is always going to be doing something annoying.
Seriously, 2 p.m. or 2 a.m. There is always a steady stream of bass coming from the parking lot and the unmistakeable sound of sorority girls squealing.
2. No one is going to actually do anything about it.
You can post 900 times on YikYak, you can complain to management -- nothing will change. Better invest in some earplugs, friend.
3. People have no common courtesy.
After every weekend, there will be at least one floor or building covered in trash, beer cans, and if you're really unlucky -- puke.
4. Nothing is going to work.
More often than not, the wifi will be down or the pool will be closed because someone broke a glass bottle.
5. The property is managed by students...
There's nothing to say that students aren't perfectly competent employees but chances are, they live there and don't want to rock the boat.
6. ...Who only respond to your parents.
Even then, it may be after 40 emails, 17 calls and 11 trips to the front desk.
7. Things are going to get lost.
Whether it be paperwork or your shoes, somehow 90 percent of your belongings will go missing. Sometimes, even your friends will disappear -- but if anything, you should at least try to find them.
8. Living close to the party doesn't mean you get to go.
Just because you can hear their subs through the floor does not mean you get an all-access pass to your neighbors' party. People really don't appreciate people meandering into their apartments.
9. Parties off campus = not any safer.
The cops will still show if you get too loud and will definitely find a way to write 32 underage drinking citations.
10. It's going to be one of the best times of your life...
Living by your own rules (mostly) in a space that's completely yours (until the lease is up) will give you some of the best stories to corrupt your grandkids with.
11. ...Cherish every second.
You never know, you could actually miss waking up at 3 a.m. to the sound of a sorority girl sanding down her Formal date's cooler.