17. "loving you's the antidote" | The Odyssey Online
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34 Harry Styles Lyrics As Instagram Captions That'll Even Make Him 'Adore You'

They're from both of his solo albums!

Harry Styles

I personally love using song lyrics as my Instagram captions, especially from songs that I love or that mean a lot to me, and I happen to love Harry Styles and all of his songs! So I made a list of lyrics from each of his songs that you could use in your next Instagram caption.

1. "treat people with kindness"

From Treat People With Kindness

2. "such a pretty face, on a pretty neck"

From Kiwi

3. "you're so golden"

From Golden

4. "trying to remember what it feels like to have a heartbeat"

From Two Ghosts

5. "my eyes want you more than a melody"

From Sunflower Vol. 6

6. "you look pretty good down here"

From Sign of the Times

7. "strawberry lipstick state of mind"

From Adore You

8. "comfortable silence is so overrated"

From From the Dining Table

9. "she lives in daydreams with me"

From She

10. "hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect"

From Kiwi

11. "i couldn't want you any more tonight"

From Sunflower Vol. 6

12. "sweet creature"

From Sweet Creature

13. "you've got my devotion"

From Fine Line

14. "you flower, you feast"

From Woman

15. "walk in your rainbow paradise"

From Adore You

16. "we're not who we used to be"

From Two Ghosts

17. "loving you's the antidote"

From Golden

18. "driving me crazy, but i'm into it"

From Kiwi

19. "i miss the shape of your lips"

From To Be So Lonely

20. "even my phone misses your call"

From From the Dining Table

21. "you sunshine, you temptress"

From Fine Line

22. "tell me something just before you go"

From Ever Since New York

23. "she's the first one that i see"

From She

24. "same white shirt, couple more tattoos"

From Two Ghosts

25. "don't you call him/her what you used to call me"

From Cherry

26. "breaking through the atmosphere"

From Sign of the Times

27. "all the lights couldn't put out the dark"

From Lights Up

28. "running with the thieves"

From Meet Me In The Hallway

29. "baby you're the end of June"

From Watermelon Sugar

30. "feeling oh so far from home"

From Carolina

31. "we'll be alright"

From Fine Line

32. "a time under the canyon moon"

From Canyon Moon

33. "my only angel"

From Only Angel

34. "two hearts in one home"

From Sweet Creature

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