Harry Potter vs Christianity #3
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Harry Potter vs Christianity #3

Final Article of Harry Potter

Harry Potter vs Christianity #3
Haley Muncy

This is the third and last part of my Harry Potter articles. If you have not read the first two please read those first.

Back to the purpose of this paper: Rowling was talked about in an article called “Harry Potter, Jesus, and Me”by Andrew Peterson. He talks about his struggles to accept these books though he was drawn to them. He read them thinking about why he was drawn to a children’s book. By the time he read the third book he was convinced they were good books. Someone showed him how the books had parallels to the Bible and then he understood why he enjoyed the books so much- they were the books that drew him closer to God. Rowling put a lot of work into her books and he realizes that. But he is sad that there is a lot of controversy about the books since it is evident in the last book that it parallels the Bible in some ways. Peterson was so impressed with her works that he decided to write her a letter.

When he wrote her this letter he told her that the books reminded him how evil is really evil. He was able to see how light was still stronger than darkness. Peterson was able to see Christ in the Harry Potter books. “Reading your books has helped me praise him even more for his courage, his sacrifice, and strength to conquer the host of hell to save us.” He mentioned in his letter to Rowling.

What Peterson meant when he said that it helped him 'praise him more,' he means Jesus Christ. He sees Christ’s sacrifice even more now because of these books, which is beautiful. Hopefully someday Christian parents will allow their kids to read this amazing work of literature that shows Christ to many in an unexpected way. God shows himself to people where they are at the time. He can show himself through anything. And if people feel he cannot, then they are lowering God’s power.

“With proper discussions between parents, religious leaders and the children themselves, a rich, deep enjoyment of church lessons can result.” Says an anonymous person in Hubpages article “Happy Potter: Parallels to Christ and the Bible.” If people are willing to show children the differences and similarities between these books and the Bible then there is no problem reading them. It is just important to know where to stand when it comes to this kind of thing. Though people are skeptical, they should give it a chance: they may end up changing their mind.

The Bible as well as other religious content is not mentioned in the books. There is an obvious theme of good versus evil. In this article it suggests to teach these book’s parallels in conjunction with religious awareness, not in place of. It is important that people know to not teach these books in place of the true teachings of the Bible. The Bible is the one thing people are supposed to lean on the most. Ellen White also has said that we should not place her books over the Bible, and That her books are just helping people understand the Bible.

In the article “Redeeming Harry Potter”Russ Bremier considers himself to be one of many minds that have been changed about him views towards the books. Bremier was exposed to “Potter-Mania” when the book Goblet of Fire published in the year 2000. He was very guarded about the books like many Christians. He felt they were just a children’s book about witches and wizards. Very immature/Pagan and did not want to appreciate them.

Then he had some of his trusted Christians talk to him about their experience with the books. They told him to give the books a try, so he did. Now he feels the Harry Potter series is a best fantasy book. Bremier talks about how he saw a gradual change towards these books in the past few years in the Christian community. A lot of the Christians still condemn the books as well as anyone who likes the books. Russ finds himself seeing more people that are excited about the books rather than people that want to throw the books into a fire making sure no one reads them again.

The words “Wizard, witches, and magic” make Christians afraid to read anything. They want nothing to do with those words unless it is in the Bible. Deuteronomy 18:10-11 is mentioned in Russ’ article. It is the verse that warns us to avoid pagan doings as well as sorcery. Everyone knows how Christianity and Witchcraft do not mix.

‘“I was recently interviewed on live radio about current movies, and when asked which I was looking forward to the most, rattled off a few of my obvious choices –included Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, which opens this week”’ Said Breimeir in an interview ‘“Uh-oh,” said the host half-jokingly, “You’ve just lost half our audience.”’ The host said this because some of their audience is probably Christian and because Harry Potter was mentioned they want nothing to do with that interview anymore because of all the Christian morals and not believing in Harry Potter/witchcraft.

So many people have accused her of being the anti-Christ and she has been called anti-religion, yet she has said that she wrote the books based off Christianity. Breimier should not have to lose some of his audience because of mentioning Harry Potter. People should not have to feel ashamed of reading her books if they are Christian. They should not feel like it is a sin. They should not feel like Christians will condemn them if they read Harry Potter. When people read the book then they will realize that there is more to the book then just a story. They will see the parallels between the books and the Bible.

Before people judge something, they should come to understand what it is about first. For example, Harry Potter was tempted, in the middle of the series, by Voldemort, just like how Jesus was tempted by Satan. Or like how Satan temps mankind everyday of their lives. Jesus was tempted for 40 days and 40 nights. Yet he was able to overcome those temptations that Satan threw at him. He knew that if he fell into Satan’s temptation, he would be ruining the chance to save humanity. Jesus knew that he could not serve anyone besides God to save mankind. He loves humans way too much to put them into a chance of not being saved. Harry did not want to fall into temptation because his friends meant more to him than anything else. He realized that friendship and love meant so much more than darkness- saving his friends from infant evil was what was important to him.

JK Rowling, herself, does not believe in magic, wizards, and witches. I can’t find the link, but I remember reading a quote that J.K. Rowling said that she didn’t believe in witches and wizards and magic, and the only reason she could write about it was because she didn’t believe in it. She also said, "I believe in God, not magic.” Stating this has helped people understand that just because she wrote the books in a certain way does not mean she believes in in it. People write about vampires and about aliens. But does that mean they believe in what they write? No.

JK Rowling wrote the Harry Potter series based off her beliefs. She found a fun way to bring people closer to God in a very sneaky way. And for people to see God through something that would be least expected, to write her own struggles with God and her faith. It was well written, well done, well thought out. JK Rowling is a literary genius. Her books have become some of the most popular books ever written.

Peterson, Andrew. “Harry Potter, Jesus, and Me.” Christianity Today, Christianity Today, 15 July, 2011, http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2011/julyweb-only/potterjesusme.html

“Happy Potter: Parallels to Christ and the Bible” Hubpages, Hubpages, 30 Aug. 2013, http://hubpages.com/literature/Harry-Potter-Christ-Like-or-Not

Breimeier, Russ. “Redeeming Harry Potter.” Christianity Today, Christianity Today, 15 Nov. 2005, http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2005/novemberweb-only/redeemingharrypotter.html

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