Ulta Just Dropped A MAGICAL Harry Potter Makeup Collab | The Odyssey Online
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Ulta Just Dropped A Harry Potter Makeup Collab — We Solemnly Swear To Spend All Our Galleons

Accio all the makeup!

Ulta Just Dropped A Harry Potter Makeup Collab — We Solemnly Swear To Spend All Our Galleons

Harry Potter fans rejoice! In honor of Harry Potter's birthday month, Ulta has released a magical makeup collection, available July 6 on Ulta's website and in stores on July 26. Sirius-ly.

The collection includes Hogwarts-inspired makeup bags, lotions, and a brush kit. Whether you pride yourself on your ambition, bravery, intelligence, or loyalty, there's even a nine-pan eyeshadow palette inspired by your House's colors.

So wands at the ready? Here's a peek at the bewitching collection, sorted by house.

Gryffindor: Brave, Determined, Courageous

Gryffindor Eye Shadow Palette

Ulta Beauty

This palette will make you feel like you are sitting by the fire in the Gryffindor Common Room!


  • Peach (cool peach matte), Autumn (brick red matte), Chocolate Frog (brown matte)
  • Pure (yellow beige matte), Passion (golden shimmer), Howler (warm brown shimmer)
  • Mandrake (mauve pink matte), Chestnut (deep wine matte), Cocoa (cool brown shimmer)

Cosmetics Bag


Just like Hermione's magical bag in Deathly Hallows, this little cosmetics bag is the perfect place to store your collection!

Hufflepuff: Dedicated, Loyal, Patient

Hufflepuff Eye Shadow Palette


This palette is reminiscent of a sunny day spent picnicking on the grounds!


  • Sherbert (neutral beige matte), Sunset (bronze with gold sparkle), Lumos (white with silver shimmer)
  • Golden Snitch (golden shimmer), Galleon (mustard yellow matte), Earth (plum matte)
  • Honest (cool gray matte), Rust (taupe with silver glitter), Burrow (cool brown shimmer)

Cosmetics Bag


There's no more need to lug around your school trunk when you have this cute canvas cosmetics bag.

Ravenclaw: Clever, Creative, Intelligent

Ravenclaw Eye Shadow Palette


Dive into the depths of your mind and get creative with this palette.


  • Natural (cool beige matte), Fang (cool gray matte), Beauxbatons (baby blue with shimmer)
  • Hedwig (bright white with silver glitter), Pigwidgeon (chocolate brown matte), Ghost (cool gray with silver glitter)
  • Bark (warm light brown matte), Pixie (bright blue with silver glitter), Twilight (deep blue shimmer)

Cosmetics Bag


Show off your Ravenclaw pride with this cute zippered bag.

Slytherin: Cunning, Ambitious, Proud

Slytherin Eye Shadow Palette


This colorful palette shows there is a lot more to Slytherins than what just meets the Basilisk eye!


  • Pebble (beige, yellow matte), Fluffy (plum matte), Moon (silver glitter)
  • Barron (warm brown shimmer), Herb (army green matte), Elm (cool taupe shimmer)
  • Ivy (sage green shimmer), Toad (moss green shimmer), Black Lake (black matte)

Cosmetics Bag


There's no need for a Room of Requirement when you have this handy little pouch!

More Collections Sorted By House:

Quidditch Team Sheet Masks​


Gryffindor: infused with bamboo charcoal

Hufflepuff: infused with lime juice

Ravenclaw: infused with pomegranate

Slytherin: infused with aloe vera

Eye Palette Vault


Can't decide which palettes to buy? You can get all of them; it's better than a vault full of treasures at Gringotts.

For Any Hogwarts Student:

Bewitching PH Balm


This lip balm reacts with your skin's pH levels to create the perfect shade of color just for you, it's magic!

Deathly Hallows Brush Kit


Become the master of makeup with this set of brushes including a powder brush (the Deathly Hallows), angled blush brush (the Cloak), fluffy crease brush (the Stone), and a smudge brush (the Wand).

Lip Gloss


Howler: Medium mauve pink

Platform 9 3/4: Peachy beige shimmer

Hedwig: Clear shimmer

Spectrespecs: Light pink shimmer

Lip Crayon


Expecto Patronum: Peachy brown nude

Hogwarts Letters: Mauve plum

Order of the Phoenix: Deep wine

Amortentia: Mauve pink

Can't wait to see what magical looks you create with this collection!

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