As a lover of all things Harry Potter, I'm a big fan of using moments from the movies as gifs. Here, I've gathered a few of my favorites:
1. For the one who really just can't anymore...
This gif might be perfect for you if...
- You're not a huge fan of authority.
- You would really prefer to be in control of every and all situations.
- You hate group projects.
- ...but you wait until the night before to do your own work and secretly sometimes wish you had a little help.
2. For the one with instant regret...
This gif might be perfect for you if...
- You're willing to do anything to make sure your friends are safe, even if it costs you.
- You have a lot of great ideas in theory, but not so much in practice.
- You might make a few more bad decisions than the average person, and you almost always instantly regret them.
- You're turning a paper in at 11:59 p.m. when it's due at 12:00 p.m.
3. For the one with more salt than the food at your university's dining hall...
This gif might be perfect for you if...
- You can see right through anyone's lies.
- You feel a deep connection to the Bonneville Salt Flats.
- "No need to call me sir, Professor."
- You constantly question why you're in school anyway.
4. For the mom friend...
This gif might be perfect for you if...
- You're the mom in your friend group.
- You like following rules and policies but you aren't afraid to break them if it means helping your friends.
- You'll defend your friends, even against people who think they have more power than you.
- But we all know who really holds the power.
5. For the one always looking for a new adventure...
This gif might be perfect for you if...
- You're always looking for a new adventure or a new way to see the world.
- You dream of leaving school and travelling the world.
- You have at least one quote in reference to travelling the world (bonus points if this quote is "Not all who wander are lost" by J.R.R. Tolkien).
- You're a little timid to try new things, but once you do, you can't wait to try it again.
6. For the perfectionist...
This gif might be perfect for you if...
- You know exactly how things are supposed to be run and you aren't afraid to let other people know.
- You value efficiency and tend to be a bit of a perfectionist.
- You have a killer work ethic.
- Sometimes you might come on a little strong and some people say you're too blunt, but you really do have good intentions.
7. For the best huggers...
This gif might be perfect for you if...
- You might give your friends a hard time, but they always know you love them.
- You've gone through some difficult things, but at the end of the day, you know you have friends who would support you no matter what.
- You know nothing is better than a good hug.
- You're optimistic and believe people are generally good.
8. For the conspiracy theorists...
This gif might be perfect for you if...
- You still hold onto the magic of fictional worlds.
- You take pride in being unique and aren't afraid to say exactly what you think.
- You had a small friend group growing up and maybe had a hard time finding them initially, but once you had them, you knew you'd never let go.
- While some may say you're strange, one thing that everyone will see is how kind you are and how much you love others.
9. For the terrified tough guys...
This gif might be perfect for you if...
- You try to act tough, but you're just as scared as everyone else.
- There's never a bad time for food.
- When watching scary movies, you're not allowed to hold the popcorn because you're known for jumping every time a door opens.
- You usually don't show much emotion, but when you do, it's in big, obvious ways.
10. For the ones who have to say goodbye, but know they'll always return...
This gif might be perfect for you if...
- You've found a home away from home.
- No matter how many times you have to leave, you know you'll always return.
- You know how to maintain long distance friendships that last despite all odds.
- You know this is only the start of your adventure and you're ready for whatever's coming.
I hope this gave some insight into some of my favorite gifs and that you'll keep them in mind next time you need a gif.