Most Famous Words From The Harry Potter Series | The Odyssey Online
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Two Muggles Try To Define Words From The 'Harry Potter' Series

Only Voldemort can judge us, I think. I'm not really sure.

Warner Bros. Pictures

My best friend and I grew up making up dances and listening to Chris Brown. While we enjoy reading, we never got into the Harry Potter franchise. Now that we live together, it seems the Harry Potter references never stop, thanks to my boyfriend and our other roommate who are obsessed with Harry Potter.

I had our roommate Avery reference lines from Harry Potter so us muggles ("a person who lacks any sort of magical ability and was not born in a magical family"), myself (Morgan) and Kayla to define. Here are our responses compared to Avery and Devin's responses, which will obviously be the correct definition since they're the Harry Potter enthusiasts.

1. Patronus

Morgan: A potion for something. For what, I really don't know.

Kayla: The group of people living in the castle.

The REAL answer.

Avery: The source of your strength, animal or object that protects you.

Devin: A force is used to protect yourself from dementors. It's different for every person. It's sort of like a spirit animal.

2. Horcrux

Morgan: This sounds like a curse, or maybe a spell to exorcise people?

Kayla: A spell that turns a person into a crazy bird thing.

The REAL answer.

Avery: An item that a dark witch or wizard puts part of their soul into to become immortal.

Devin: It's an object that a wizard has hidden part of their soul in.

3. Muggle

Morgan: I know this one means human!

Kayla: A magical soup.

The REAL answer.

Avery: Non-magic person.

Devin: A normal human, without any sort of wizarding magic.

4. Mud blood

Morgan: A special wine, drank at celebratory occasions.

Kayla: Blood that heals people.

The REAL answer.

Avery: A Muggle-born wizard or witch.

Devin: A wizard without magical parents. A serious insult.

5. Accio

Morgan: The word for "action"!

Kayla: I have no freaking clue what that is.

The REAL answer.

Avery: Summoning charm, make things come to you.

Devin: A summoning charm.

6. Dementors

Morgan: Some kind of demon. A demon for sure.

Kayla: The teachers at the school Harry Potter goes to.

The REAL answer.

Avery: They just try to suck your soul.

Devin: A creature that feeds on happy thoughts. Could leave someone completely emotionless.

7. Beater

Morgan: Someone who sucks at flying on their broom.

Kayla: A disease.

The REAL answer.

Avery: People who hit the bludgers in the game Quidditch.

Devin: A Quidditch position that tries to hit the bludgers at the broomstick.

8. Nimbus 2000

Morgan: Like a public bus, this is the public transit system. I'm picturing a very large broomstick.

Kayla: A flying car type thing, shaped like a bird.

The REAL. answer

Avery: A kind of broomstick.

Devin: A very fast, high-end broomstick. It was Harry's first broomstick.

9. Gillyweed

Morgan: Name for your wand when you're mad at it.

Kayla: A potion that cures people.

The REAL answer.

Avery: The weed under the sea that if you eat it you will grow gills (it's important in the fourth movie).

Devin: When you eat it, it causes you to grow gills and fins. It was eaten by Harry when he competed for the Goblet of Fire.

10. Lumos

Morgan: Spell to turn lights or candles on.

Kayla: One of the animal's names.

The REAL answer.

Avery: Spell that makes the end of your wand light up.

Devin: It turns your wand into a flashlight.

11. Mandrake

Morgan: A type of magic bread.

Kayla: One of the leaders

The REAL answer.

Avery: Little magical plants that scream when you pull it out of the dirt and can kill you.

Devin: A plant that returns someone in a cursed state to their natural state.

12. Parseltongue

Morgan: Some sort of messaging system, like "word of mouth."

Kayla: Another animal; this one is magical.

The REAL answer.

Avery: The language that allows you to talk to snakes.

Devin: Someone who is able to talk to snakes.

13. Squib

Morgan: A cute little animal.

Kayla: A spell that lets a person go from one place to another.

The REAL answer.

Avery: A muggle that is born to two wizarding parents.

Devin: Someone with a magical family but has no real magic.

14. Howler

Morgan: A wizard that cries too much, a crybaby.

Kayla: A cup that they use to mix potions in (can you tell I'm a bartender? lol howler like a growler).

The REAL answer.

Avery: A letter that you get that screams at you.

Devin: A letter that will scream and yell at you when you open it.

15. N.E.W.T.s

Morgan: Never Eat Wizard Treats.

Kayla: The good guys.

The REAL answer

Avery: Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests.

Devin: Very hard wizarding tests taken at the end of your time at school. Sort of like a final exam over everything you have learned.

Kayla said it best when she said: "Wow that was way harder than I thought." All you wizards obsessed with Harry Potter are crazy. Also, I think you are bilingual because I really don't understand what any of these words mean.

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