Sorting Hat Cupcakes | The Odyssey Online
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11 'Harry Potter' Desserts Fans Can Bake For Harry’s Birthday, Like The Dursleys NEVER Did

"Chocolate, in my most humble opinion, is the most inexhaustible source of magic we have." — Dumbledore, probably

sorting hat cupcakes

Harry Potter's birthday is July 31, making it a perfect time for muggles to indulge in some sugary treats. After all, everyone knows that calories don't count on your birthday... or your friends' birthdays... or Harry Potter's birthday. Seriously, that's a fact. Look it up.

And once you're done doing that, get to your kitchen. You're going to want to start baking before you even finish reading this.

Accio oven mitts!

Butterbeer Cupcakes

What combination could possibly be better than butterbeer and cupcakes? I'll wait.

Cauldron Cakes

We can't all travel to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter every time we want a cauldron cake. Luckily, now we won't have to. This recipe comes deliciously close to the one from Honeydukes.

Sorting Hat Cupcakes

Why get sorted by Pottermore, when you can get sorted by M&M filled cupcakes instead? And if you aren't satisfied with your Hogwarts house, well, I guess you'll just have to eat another cupcake...

Chocolate Wands

OK, so these wands are really impractical for casting spells. Imagine shouting, "Accio chocolate," only to realize that you've accidentally eaten half of your wand. Awkward...

Exploding Bonbons

We all knew Pop Rocks originated from some sort of sorcery. This just proves it.

Pumpkin Pasties

This one's for my fellow basic bitches: We finally have an excuse to eat pumpkin flavored desserts a few months early.

Butterbeer Cookies

Remember when I told you that nothing could beat butterbeer cupcakes? There's a good chance that I lied to you. Sorry.

Golden Snitch Cake Pops

And to think, we all thought Harry was silly when he caught the Snitch with his mouth. Maybe he was onto something...

Weasleys' Fever Fudge

Sadly, this imitation of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes won't get you out of class. But it will give you the sugar rush to stay awake during your 8 a.m., and that has to count for something.

Chocolate Frogs

The best part is that you won't need to catch these chocolate frogs before you eat them. See, being a muggle has some perks. Right? (Just humor me.)

THE Birthday Cake

Pro tip: Knock down a friend's door, shout "Yer a wizard, 'Arry!" and then share this cake with them.

Really, it's the only way to prove your love to someone.

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smiling girl in pink and white stripe shirt

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