With the release of "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" this last week, I felt motivated to talk about a little fandom that we all know and love. For nearly 20 years, J.K. Rowling’s magical words have been read throughout my house, as well as many others. We grew up with Harry, Ron and Hermione, and I felt almost as close to them as I did with some of my friends from across the street. And while I didn’t ever receive my letter to Hogwarts, it doesn’t mean that I didn’t still worship the idea of magic. Here are a few lessons I learned from my good friend, Harry Potter.
1. Friendship is Key.
How would Harry have done everything he did without the help of his lifelong companions? Oh, that’s right, he wouldn’t have. How many times did we read how Hermione knew the solution to something the others didn’t, or how Ron had Harry’s back even in the toughest of times? If there’s one thing to take away from this series, it’s that friends can help you accomplish anything, and that they’ll stay by your side no matter what (even if you get picked to enter the TriWizard Tournament and they don’t).
2. You can accomplish even the biggest of tasks.
Throughout the series, the threat of an exceptionally powerful dark wizard by the name of Voldemort constantly looms overhead. We’ve always known it was Harry that would have to be the one to destroy him, and we’ve been rooting for him throughout the seven novels. Through these novels, we’ve seen him tackle countless challenges that he was able to accomplish through bravery, diligence and friendship. It’s a beautiful story of good vs. evil, and it's proof that even the smallest of people can tackle the biggest of challenges laid out for them, with enough help along the way.
3. Love can conquer all.
From the first book, we all learn that Lily Potter, Harry’s mother, sacrificed herself for her only son. She provided a protection that prevented old Voldy from touching him, through the power of love. This motif is constantly addressed throughout the books. The characters love one another, something that I think is lost on so many people nowadays. Love really is a powerful force, one that can change the course of one’s life if we let it carry us.
Most of us can agree that "Harry Potter" is a wonderful story. It may be directed towards younger readers, but that hasn’t stopped countless adults from reading it as well. J.K. Rowling has intricately woven together a story of good vs. evil, a story of love, a story of pure magic. I know I’m not alone in saying that I wish this story would never have to end. Even a Muggle like myself can dream for more magic.