The self exists in harmony with itself. From strife we seek revenge, from benevolence we seek righteousness. To exist within all forms, with the basic aim of following the way set out by those who came before, that is the ultimate goal.
Travelling through the flow of time we take on many forms. We will struggle not only due to nature, but also the nature of institutions created by societies that have only their success in mind. This notion of success is flawed, because if you are succeeding at the expense of others, then you are failing. We all exist in harmony, as do all things.
Nothing is separate from any other thing. Nothing is the nullification of being a thing. Yet to declare nothing as an abstract idea gives it form, making it an idea. In order to truly understand nothing, everything must be looked at equally. This means that nothing is just as much something as anything else, and anything else is nothing just as anything else is.
What can this mean? Nonsense? Not quite.
In order to further explore this notion, existence must be examined. What is existence? The existence of an object, or what defines an object, for our purposes, is an object that can be separated from other objects through physical or metaphysical means. In other words, what makes this object what it is? If you have a car, then you have a car. If you remove the wheels, do you still have a car? If you remove the insides of the car, do you have a car frame?
These are important questions that must be examined, what creates an object other than the compilation of objects? The objects that create all things, these can assimilate in countless innumerable ways to create an object.
But what separates objects, for example humans have grown up on Earth, every way that a human lives is developed to live on Earth. How do humans act? What affects the choices we make? What if people make logical assumptions based on their current understandings? This would mean that if two people make different conclusions given the same situation means that they understand things differently.
Some people take into consideration their feelings more than others, but what even are feelings? Are they separate from thought? If they can greatly affect the way we think, then in a practical sense they are just as important as thought itself. Why are feelings developed the way they are? Do we have an inherent perception of good and evil?
This is what happens. When questioning the state of our own existence we become lost in a spiraling circle of confusion and doubt. A cycle in which we are not certain who we are, or what we are, and what our purpose is. This is because the answer to these questions are not a final point, but a journey. The answers are being created as the questions are being asked. To settle on an answer is to become stale and live in delusions believing that things are a certain way, when the true nature of their existence cannot be fully grasped.