On Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2018, many witnessed just how the internet in tandem with karma can serve sweet sweet justice. If you haven't seen the video of Harley Barber angrily yelling at her phone's camera, here's the summary:
Harley Barber [former] University of Alabama student and [former] member of Alpha Phi sorority posted an offensive video on her 'Finsta' account. In the video, she turns off a running water faucet and makes a remark about saving the n*****s. She says the N-Word three times in that video which is honestly three more times than that word should leave anybody's mouth ever.
After she received backlash for this post, instead of realizing what a racist she is, she posted more racist content, this time directed at the people who reported her to her sorority.
I won't quote this video but know that she spews the N-Word a grand total of 12 times in only 56 seconds. After the internet banded together to report Barber to not only her sorority, but also to her school, she was removed from both.
She issued the apology:
“I’m an idiot. There’s no excuse. I did something really bad. I did something really, really bad. I don’t know what to do and I feel horrible. I’m wrong and there’s just no excuse for what I did.”
Harley honey... keep it...
Never in my life have I wanted an apology less than I want one from you. If you are going to loudly be a racist, loudly accept the consequences. I don't want to hear any excuses for being young and stupid. I don't even want to see your crying face come across my television screen because your life has now been ruined. In a few years, I don't want to read the interview you'll give someone about how you've changed and how you now realize that your actions have consequences ... I don't want it. We don't want it.
This can't just be reduced to a difference of opinion. To say that this is just a disagreement over what "freedom of speech" actually entails is offensive. This has nothing to do with freedom of speech. This has everything to do with the fact that every word that leaves your mouth will reach another person.
Boldly yelling a word filled with hate with the sole intention of offending people... it's not right. If your character can't be judged by the words that leave your mouth, then how can it be judged?
No school or sorority wants someone like Harley Barber representing them-- and rightfully so. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from its consequences. Say what you want but when you get what you deserve, make sure you like it.