A Letter To Young Moms | The Odyssey Online
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A Letter To Young Moms

You Are Strong, You Are Smart and You Were Made For This.

A Letter To Young Moms

Open letter to The New, Young, Already-Hardworking Mom,

During Women’s History Month, which is March, I want to recognize something that may not always be considered a woman’s greatest accomplishment. For me, I would say it is her God-given gift, motherhood. We live In a modern time full of empowered women who succeed and are given more opportunities than what is traditional. We can do most of what a man can, plus some they cannot; Pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood being some of them. This is not to say fatherhood is any less of a scary, stressful, confusing and most of all, wonderful experience. Motherhood is just different.

So if you're working, in college, and if you're really independent both, excellent choice! You already know that you want a better life and you are doing what you have to do to get it! In a world where women are not always taken as seriously as men, it is up to you to take this seriously! Work and College are not a social event, nor a virtual dating site. You may be married, have a boyfriend or you may not. You're having some fun during these best years of your life, no doubt! Next thing you know, you feel funny. You have things to do today but your bed feels entirely too amazing to get out of it. Until the nausea or full bladder sets in and you're running for the bath room, in which you will spend most of your time from now on.

Whether it's clear to you or a surprise, get ready or not, here comes a baby!

You may still have this semester to worry about; essays, tests, readings and finals. Some of you probably have a job and support yourself, as hard as the future may seem, it will all be worth it in the end. Being out in the real world, on your own trying to figure out the facts of life is tough. Now another human being is growing inside of you? Relax, it will be okay. You were made for this. Humans are made to change, struggle, stress and learn from it.

So when all you can think about is how you're never alone anymore and no one else knows, remember how blessed you are. People would kill to have what you have. When you start to realize that your carefree days are gone and you'll never be the same, remember it is a good thing. We do not grow without change and what is life without growth? Your sweet bundle of joy will bring more happiness to your life than any road trip, party or high ever could! When you start constantly thinking everyone is looking at you and they just know you're pregnant, they aren't and they don't! They probably don't care and if they do, they don't matter anyway!

I know it often feels like people may think less of you because you didn't do what was "ideal" and wait. Please remember you are so much greater than you give yourself credit for! You chose to better yourself, support yourself or further your education, which many women refuse to even consider. You chose to keep your beautiful blessing and though this seems like a no-brainer, it truly is an amazing selfless act. On top of this, against all odds, you are now creating a better life for you and the newest addition to your family. You should be proud of yourself! So when that belly starts to grow, please feel no shame! You are so beautiful and should embrace the essence of motherhood, it doesn't last long.

Which reminds me, enjoy every minute of it! I know, easier said than done with the sickness and pains. Those will go away just like the heart melting baby kicks and hiccups. If you are like me you'll enjoy it so much you want to share with your class when he/she starts kicking, but you wont. Most of us try not to make a big deal out of our pregnancies. You may not talk about it much until people start to say, "So, when are you due?". We must fight the urge to respond with "Huh? I'm not pregnant!" Because what you're really thinking is, "You're just noticing this basketball under my shirt?". On second thought, you might as well say it! You may not get many more chances, they may need a little lesson and you could always use a laugh!

So anyway, when you start to get so tired you wish you could crawl in a dark hole for days, remember someone is counting on you. This has been done, and you can do it too! Get up out of bed, put on something comfy and go accomplish all that you can! This is the easy part, when your baby can go everywhere with you but doesn't cry. For now you are not constantly feeling guilty for leaving and worrying how your sweet child is doing.

Save all of the worry for next semester when during your lectures you'll probably be thinking of babysitters, grocery shopping, homework, maybe work, cleaning house and hopefully yourself because showers won't come as often. If you're nursing (which is by far one of the most amazing things you can do, health wise and for bonding) it is yet another bodily change that will make you feel awkward in public and make daily tasks more difficult. Your boobs will itch, burn, feel like they will explode and probably leak sometimes. It is natural and you are extremely blessed and selfless for this decision! Do not let anyone make you feel negative about it. Plus you may get some extra "me-pumping-relaxation time". It will only last a short while. Enjoy it while you can, once it is over, you won't get the chance back and you will miss it.

Everything will get done, maybe not all in one day, but you were made for this. You are strong, you are smart and you are capable of getting the job done. So enjoy all of the magical changes, special treatments, awkwardness and joy of your pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood. It isn't just you anymore, you have to be a role model, a hero, someone's backbone and source of survival. Prepare yourself, read all that you can before they arrive, because I promise, sleep, quiet, free time, doing chores and freely eating become luxuries. This is not to scare you, it will be a challenge but not impossible. When that baby gets here, your whole world will change. Every moment is either spent with them or worrying about them. Always keep up with what you have to do but remember to relax, kick back and spend some time with your little one. They're learning much faster than you are and need you more than your school book.

Much luck,

A Young, Student, Working Mother of a Vicious Toddler

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