Dear Roomie,
This year has been a roller coaster, and you've been right there through it all. You've seen me hit rock bottom (or at least what feels like rock bottom to a college student), and you've experienced some of the best moments of freshman year with me. At this point, we know absolutely everything about each other. We know the good parts, and we know the messy parts. I want to thank you for helping me keep my life together as we survived freshman year of college together. I lucked out with you, roomie.
Thank you for letting me borrow your clothes. I am blessed that we ended up wearing the same size clothing and shoes, that we have the same style and that you were always kind enough to let me borrow what I needed.
Thank you for always having my back. When it comes to talking, we don't hold back on how we feel about someone. If someone did me wrong, they always go straight to your list of people to shun, even if you have no idea who they are.
Thank you for not judging me. When you live with someone, privacy is out the window. You learn to be whole-heartedly honest and to not care what the other person knows, although some things should've been left a mystery. But you never once judged me for anything.
Thank you for never staying mad at me, even when I deserve it. At times, we got annoyed with each other. Sometimes we had a reason, and sometimes we didn't. You've never stayed angry about petty things for long though, and I love you for it.
Thank you for being my home-away-from-home. You are the person I have come home to every day this past year, and I am so lucky to have felt at home with you. You ask me about my day and my classes, and never failed to be welcoming.
Thank you for nursing me back to health. There are times when you have taken the place of my mother, and both my mom and I greatly appreciate it. You and I have been sick more times than we could keep track of this year, and you always knew what to do to help.
Thank you for listening. Even if you had no input, you always listened to me through all of my rants. That's all I truly needed sometimes.
Thank you for giving me something worth missing. You live in a different state, and I'm going to miss you more than you know this summer. The strange thing is, nothing will go back to normal when we come back next year. In just a few days, we will be packing up our bags and parting ways. I will miss the time we shared in our tiny, crappy room, but I know we will always keep in touch.
Thank you for an amazing year. I was lucky enough to experience freshman year with a roommate I love. We have made memories that I will forever cherish. You are just as weird (if not more weird) as I am, and we understand each other on a level some people will never get.
Thanks for awkwardly messaging me on Facebook that day you needed a roommate. I like to think it was meant to be.