To the person going through the hardest goodbye:
Goodbyes are never easy but when it comes to losing a friend, it never gets easier. Losing someone who you thought was going to be a huge part of your future hurts, no matter what the circumstances are. Whether it was a fight, a loss of trust, or even just growing apart, losing a friend can be the most painful loss. When you are upset and only want to talk to that one person about it but they aren't there for you anymore and you have to accept that. When something funny happens and all you want to do is laugh about it with them because no one else will find it as funny as they would. When something good happens and you just want to tell them so you can be overly excited together about it. Even when your heart is breaking and you feel like they are the only person that is going to fully understand. When life gets too much and all you want is to take on this crazy life with them by your side. I have lost a few friends that I thought were going to be a part of my life forever and to this day it never gets any easier.
To the girl who is laying in bed wondering what went wrong and what you can do to fix it, don't dwell on it, don't try and fix it. If they wanted to maintain a friendship with you they would have.
I know, your heart feels like it's broken but it'll heal. But you have to realize that maybe that friendship was never meant to last as long as you wanted it to. Maybe that friend is feeling the same exact way you are but maybe they aren’t. If it ended up like this, there was always a reason behind it. It sucks and things aren't going to be the same, you are never going to have a friendship quite like that one and it's okay. Someday a perfect friendship is going to fall into place when you never expected it to. Don't make time for people who don't make time for you. Stop being the nice girl that everyone steps all over because that's how you get hurt. Love yourself and know that you are too great for someone to take advantage of, especially someone who was supposed to be your best friend. You have to remember that if they wanted to maintain a friendship they would have and you don't need anyone who's going to push you when you're already down.
You are going to wish for things to just go back to normal and feel sad when they don't. You are going to feel sad when you see the old pictures but eventually you're going to feel happy. Happy because whether things didn't end up how they were supposed to, that person had a huge impact on your life and the memories are going to last a lifetime. Trust that she holds a little piece of your life and it will stay like that. Trust that the secrets you told will stay that way and that every time you pass each other you will both smile and remember the special friendship you once had. Friendship is tough, it’s messy and it is one of the greatest things of life. Of course you are going to feel like an end of a really good friendship is the end of the world, it's not, you will get through it and you will find someone else to share the good and the bad with.
To the lost friendship that just never worked out, thank you for once being that person when I needed you the most. I wish you the best, I hope things work out how you wanted them to and I hope you still smile every time you look at our pictures. Thank you for the laughs, thank you for making this chapter in my life a special one. I hope you find a best friend that will be there until forever just like i'm going to do.
Losing a friend is a hard loss but it is one that was meant to be. Keep your head up,cherish the memories. Laugh at your old jokes. Don't push the memories away, don't feel sad when you think of how things used to be. Stay happy, stay positive and continue on with life it'll get easier I promise.
The girl who deals with this way too often