When I first decided I wanted to be a writer, I had in mind that becoming an author would be my full time job, traveling would be an every day thing, and cranking out pieces would be no problem.
As I chose to go to college, I’ve realized a few things while trying to be a student and writer at the same time: it’s possible, but you HAVE to make time for it. When your not studying for classes, or writing a paper specifically for a class, or going to work, you really have to find time for your own writing. Not assigned. Not required. Just you and a pen, pencil, or keyboard.
I’ve found this to become more difficult as I’ve come up on my senior year of college. I have more books to read, more papers to write, but it doesn’t feel like the kind of writing that I want to do. It’s being asked of me, not me wanting to do it.
With being an Odyssey writer, I get a bit of that outlet. I get to write out the things I’m feeling, the things I want to say, and I get to stay on task because of weekly due dates. It makes me feel more like a true writer, a real writer. I’m getting to put out there what I want to put out there.
Now, I’m not saying to not go to school, because having a Creative Writing Concentration attached to my English degree has allowed me to take classes that all we do is write the things that we want to do. Yes, it is assigned, but I get to go where I want to within my pieces. I also receive the help and guidance I need from my professors and peers.
It’s hard to differentiate that the work you are doing in school is possible material you can use in the future. You can always come back to an idea you haven’t fully fledged out yet. I know sometimes I don’t have all the right eyes looking at my work, that there will always be additions, deletions, and editing to do. I know that there is more to my story.
What I find the most difficult is that I feel like I don’t have a lot of time to do things on my own. It’s like I hear about writers who go away to cabins and shut themselves away, or those who have their hours that they can set aside for just drafting or editing. It’s my need and want for that time, but having to wait for it after graduating is what’s making all the difference.
I know I should carry a journal with me, I know I should MAKE time to sit down and write. But, even when I do, I feel like I’m rushing, or forcing myself to do it. I don’t feel comfortable yet, and maybe I never will. Yet, I know I WANT to write. I have a passion and I do not want to let it go.
It is hard to be a writer in college, but it IS possible.