As a writer and editor, I like to pride myself on being able to have good spelling and grammar. However, there are some words out there that really get to me. Autocorrect is supposed to be every writer's best friend when it comes to words like these ones but that's not always the case.
1. February
I thank god every day during this month that I have spell check. I can never ever get it right on the first, second, third… let's be real. I just can't get it right. Period. You can forget about January too. As far as I'm concerned, these are the worst months out of the whole year.
2. Definitely
This is a classic word that I'm pretty sure no one spells right. Then autocorrect jumps in and makes use all look stupid by changing it to defiantly. Thanks autocorrect, guess we're not friends after all.
3. Necessary
Two Cs? One S? I never know and have to rely mostly on trial and error because autocorrect has no clue either. This involves lots of attempts and lots of frustration.
4. Convenience
This one must be one of the hardest just because yet again, autocorrect has no idea what I'm saying. Google is useless as well. How do you look up how to spell a word that you can't even spell? It takes a while and most of the time I give up and just use a different word.
5. Guarantee
So many vowels, I'm not sure where any of them go. Garentee? Gaurantee? Garantee? Yet another word I butcher so bad that nothing can help me. It's a lost cause.
6. Frustration
As I was writing this article I realized I didn't know how to properly spell this word either which made me think. Is autocorrect basically a pacifier?? Does anyone know how to spell anything anymore???
I love writing and I love editing but no matter what I do, these words will always be my kryptonite. No, the world isn't ending but can you imagine what I went through just to write this? Trial and error and lots of annoyance. Okay, maybe just a minor inconvenience. Oh, look. There's one of those words again. *rolls eyes*