Now that summer school is right around the corner, I need to get used to waking up early but, WOW, sleep is so good and so tempting. It's seriously so hard to wake up early, especially since I've been sleeping in for so long are ten struggles of doing so:
1. The snooze button is right there
I've tried placing my phone far away to force myself to get up, but it's a lost cause.
2. My bed looks and IS too comfortable
I've tried to make my bed after waking up, but I just end up crawling back in.
4. Mid-day naps are heaven-sent
Mid-day naps are the best, but they make it significantly harder to fall asleep at night.
5. At a certain extent, it’s just a fight with your mind
I could be exercising, getting work done, or spending time with family instead of sleeping. BUT, sleep is ultimately #1 on some days.
6. It’s hard to deal with people in the morning
Please don't talk to me till I've eaten (I don't drink coffee).
7. I try to sleep early, but Netflix is too darn good
I get in bed to sleep at 11, but all the drama in Grey's Anatomy keeps me up to 2 in the morning.
8. You set a dozen alarms to wake up, but they prove insufficient
Sorry to my past and future roommates/apartment mates!!
At this point, I'm going to have to force myself to become a morning person. This may mean more mid-day naps or a desire to drink coffee, but at least I won't be late for class!