Writers can be some of the most scattered people you will ever encounter. In mid-conversation we can have an amazing topic come to mind that we want to write about, and we'll freak out about it. We have charming personalities and once we emerge out of our comfort zone and let the world see how amazing we are you will see too. Not every writer is the same, just like how our writing styles are not the same. I like to write about personal experience where the goal is to have others relate on a deeper level. Other writers do not like to reveal the darkest secrets about themselves, so they write listicles or other types of relatable articles. We are all passionate about what we do no matter how different we are.
It can be hard loving a writer. We are some of the most fragile people and it is very easy to emotionally hurt us. There is always a deeper and emotional meaning to everything and we will dig until we get it, even if there sincerely is not one. If you ask us about our day we won't answer with "Good" or "Bad", you're gonna get an hour long story just about how there was no milk in the fridge this morning. We are full of stories and we just want to share them. You laugh because we always have a story to tell, but if you love us you will sit there and listen because our story telling is like no other.
I love talking about my life and you will be informed of so many unnecessary details, but to me knowing someone is wearing a blue shirt is more important than someone wearing just a shirt. Details are so important. Being in love with a writer means that you have to let them know every single detail. Oh you are taking me out to dinner? What do I need to wear, what time, what place, what are we doing after, etc. Details. Details. Details. It will drive you up a wall but you have to realize that our lives revolve around details. We may not remember everything, but things we feel have the most importance we will never forget. We may forget that office party, or that we were supposed to have a meeting at noon. We will never forget your favorite color, or why you're taking anti-depressants, or how much you love your mom.
But my God, when you love a writer, it is unlike any love that you will ever encounter. We will show you a more beautiful and creative side of the world, something that others have trouble doing. You will experience the 2 am romance when we are just getting to bed after typing away on our laptops. We will write about you when you are on our minds, if you made us happy or mad. We will write about you because you mean so much to us. Writers are vulnerable, and wear their hearts on their sleeve. They will approach you with honesty and open arms.
A writer's way with words leaves a lasting impact. It is not always what we say that is as eloquent as our stories or articles, but every word we speak or write comes from a place of good intentions. A text message means more to a writer than others, especially when we are sending a text about how much we love you. We have a way of words that keeps a smile on your face and makes you want to tell your friends about what we said.
When you are in love with a writer you will never feel unappreciated. We will shower you with affection and love to the point where it can be too much for some. It will be tough just like any other relationship. There will be trials and tribulations but without a doubt, it is an experience unlike any other. There is a uniqueness when it comes to being with a writer - it's certainly one of the most entertaining things you could ever do.