Why is it so hard to date in this day and age?
It really gets me. Why is a booty call so much easier than a relationship? No work? No strings attached? No commitment? People my age these days don’t want to take their time to get to know someone, and it's actually really sad. What have we turned this dating culture into? I believe we have turned it into the worst thing it could be: Effortless casual hookups.
Casual hookups seem idea in theory. You go out, have fun, and go home with that person for the night. If you are both on the same page, there’s no obligation to call them the next day. There is no awkward feeling of having them meet your family. There are no strings attached. But think about it: Why would anyone want that? Why wouldn't you want someone that actually cares about you? I believe it is because real relationships are hard work, no one wants to work for anything.
I believe this generation is scared of work. Are you going to live in a box the rest of your life? When you really want something, you are going to have to work for it. Are you not going to apply for your dream college because it takes effort? No, you are going to apply and do whatever it takes. You may have to take a summer class or retake your SATs. But guess what? Hard work pays off. That’s what you do in a relationship. You have to hope for the best and work things out.
Stop being scared of the failure and the hard work and take a chance. Don’t you want to have someone to tell your exciting moments to? Don’t you want to have someone to just relax and eat pizza with? You can’t just snap your fingers and wait for that to be handed to you. You have to go work for it. Work for that connection, compromise. You’re not always going to be right and get your way. Pick your battles.
Invest your time in someone and you could get the best reward ever. Take the time and get to know their heart, their family, their likes and dislikes, put in the work and you will get rewarded. At our age we should be using our time to our advantage and stop dating and hooking up just to say you're doing it. Find someone you want to spend your days with. Find that person that you want to tell all about your day. Find your person. The one that creates happiness and makes you feel whole. Because let me tell you something: When you look back, that one-night stand isn’t going to make you feel good about yourself.
Its time to take a stand against this hookup culture and bring back real relationships. Invest the time and effort. Don’t date just to date, date because you are looking for your person to spend forever with. If we waste our time now with partying and hookups, we may let that slip through the cracks. Don’t let that happen.