It's sad that it's 2018 that we have to still teach both genders how to treat each other. Both women and men run into problems of being harassed by either the opposite or the same gender. It doesn't help that some of those in politics aren't leading by example. This is not an article on how men are pigs and how women need to toughen up. I'm a woman who experiences harassment in the workplace, but if you were to look at me on the street, I'm not the stereotype to be "harassed." We all need to learn the signs of harassment and report it to someone in a higher position that one can trust. This goes for all genders.
As much as the media often forgets to mention that men get harassed almost as much as women, we need to step up in our prevention. The media often portrays both genders in their ideal physical appearance as the victims of sexual harassment. Where in reality, anyone of any look can be sexually harassed. If you were to see me on the street, I dress conservatively and don't make a point to myself ideally attractive. I've gotten sexually harassed at most of my jobs by men who think its okay to take advantage of my kindness. Do I think that all men are pigs because of this? No, because I know that there are good people in this world. I took care of it professionally by going to a higher up that I trust and it was taken care of. Everyone should be reporting it if it makes you comfortable. IT DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE WE SHOULD BE RESPECTING ANY GENDER!
Harassment occurs as much as it did years ago, but those delivering it have learned to be more discreet about it. All the examples of asking sexual favors from one another for promotions or for sex in general still happen but are worded differently. There is a system in place for employees to state their grievances at their companies. This is something that should be utilized if the person is uncomfortable asking the person to stop. If you are looking for a new job, I would use InHerSight. It's a female-centered website but its good for both genders to see if a company is good from an insiders point of view. I would pay attention to the comments because harassment, whether it's sexual or not, can be evident in their comments.
Harassment can happen anywhere. Its a matter on if you report it when you are uncomfortable so that you can have that sense of safety. One should never be afraid to go to work and earn that hustle. Come on guys it's 2018, we really need to be treating each other with respect and that goes both ways. Women have a tendency to harass men as men harass women. Yes, it's not on equal ground, but all genders shouldn't be afraid to speak up as well. It doesn't matter if the person harassing is the opposite gender or the same, we should be RESPECTING each other. There is a time and place for everything.