Thanksgiving. It's a time of year that many look forward to because they get time off of school and get to be home to eat all day long and watch football. Most people don't know how truly blessed they are until the actual celebration of Thanksgiving. Here is a list of the 30 things to be extra thankful for during the month of November. Just remember, there is always something to be thankful for, and no matter what the day or holiday is this list will continue to grow.
1. Sweater weather.
2. Crinkling of leaves under your feet.
3. Thanksgiving break.
4. Midterms are over.
5. Black Friday shopping.
6. Color of leaves changing.
7. Football season (Ohio State/Michigan game) GO BLUE!
8. Pumpkin Spice Latte (pumpkin spice everything!)
9. Bonfire weather.
10. Scarf/boot weather.
11. Family traditions.
12. Significant other.
13. Corn mazes/ apple orchards.
14. Election Day!!
15. Daylights savings time. (November 6th, don't forget)
16. Fall colors for clothing and decorations.
17. Thanksgiving.
18. Left over candy from Halloween.
19. Perfect weather for the fire place.
20. Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC.
21. Start of basketball season.
23. Deer Hunting Season.
24. Veteran's Day.
25. Apple and Pumpkin scented everything!
26. No Shave November.
27. Late sunrises.
28. Food!
29. Food!