1. Exercise
Exercising reduces anxiety. Just seven minutes can turn your bad day into a good one.
2. Eat Better
When you put good things into your body you automatically feel better about yourself. No, this doesn’t mean jump on the latest juice cleanse bandwagon, but try switching that pizza out for a salad every once in a while.
3. Sleep
Ugh, yes sleep. The hardest thing to do as a college student. Its hard to maintain the balance between hanging out with friends, school work and fun, but sleeping more can reduce your sensitivity to negative emotions.
4. Spend time with friends and family
These people want to see you succeed.
“I've learned one thing, and that's to quit worrying about stupid things. You have four years to be irresponsible here, relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember the time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So stay out late. Go out with your friends on a Tuesday when you have a paper due on Wednesday. Spend money you don't have. Drink 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does...” - Tom Petty
5. Be grateful
Just take a moment to think about how lucky you really are. A lot of people have it way worse than you. So what if you got a bad grade on a test, the worlds not going to end. Just take a deep breath.